Monday, April 11, 2016

Do you know the trend 'raw food' or raw food?

When we hear 'raw food' we come to mind a number of issues. Already we do not eat meat or fish? And the pasta and rice? What about the bread?

The truth is that this eating style has more followers every day, and that raw food or 'viva' proposes eat plant foods subjected to more than 45 degrees. Why? In the cooking process they destroy about 80% of the vitamins and minerals from food. When we ate unprocessed products we benefit from the necessary nutrients, which is beneficial for our body. One of the main benefits is that raw foods contain enzymes that aid in digestion.

The raw food diet combines health benefits with environmental awareness. And, as detailed in the DKV Health Observatory and the Environment, a diet with less meat and more vegetables products (if possible near and seasonal) it is the best recipe to reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs ). At the same time, a diet is healthier as well.

What foods are included in the raw food diet?

Here you have a list of very healthy and compatible food in these types of diets:
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Algae and germinated sprouts
  • Seeds
  • Fermented foods (cheese, yogurt, olives, wine, vinegar, cured salmon, etc.)
Disadvantages of raw food

But everything has its bad side. And here are the disadvantages of raw food. Any balanced diet should contain sufficient protein intake, and eating raw meat can have serious health problems.

Besides having special care in washing food, we must remember that raw foods have bacteria and parasites that can cause intestinal problems, and cooking is one of the safest cooking techniques to reduce the risk of poisoning.

One of the problems of these diets are deficient in vitamins B12 and D, iron and some omega 3. To fill this gap, should take supplements, because it is very difficult to obtain the necessary amount of these nutrients from food crudes.

The faithful followers of this diet claim that "no animal cooks its food." That's true, but neither need energy to develop their intellectual capacity. And that cooking food is opened to man the world of nutrients and calories. We must remember that our brain requires a lot of energy to function properly.

In short, talk about healthy diet is to talk about balance and variety. We should benefit from the properties of raw foods, but combining them with cooked food. Ideally, it feeds on a percentage of food 'raw' and eliminate as far as possible processed foods made from refined flour, soft drinks or highly pasteurized milk.

Recipes for raw food
  • One of the star recipes are famous smoothies or milkshakes to fruit and vegetables. Try mixing all kinds of green leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, chard, leeks, celery, carrot leaves) and fruits (strawberries, oranges, bananas, pineapple, etc.)
  • Vegetable pasta - spaghetti squash. It is a curious and recommended for children to eat vegetables with a very similar to that of one of his favorite dishes aesthetics, spaghetti dish. It's as simple as cutting zucchini with a cutter or grater to make them thin strips of zucchini us. To cook, you can cook the strips for 1 minute or sauté with a tablespoon of oil in the pan to soften. On the other hand we can make a tomato sauce or cut different vegetables and mix with the zucchini strips (carrots, cherry tomatoes, avocado, etc.)

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Do you know the trend 'raw food' or raw food?
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