Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy

The last thing you want to do when you find out you're pregnant is a blood stain on your underwear. However, this does not always indicate bleeding or spotting that something is wrong with the pregnancy.

Every pregnancy is different, and you should talk to your doctor if you think you do not feel well. Before you panic, first let's look at the bloodstains. What color are they? If they are brown (dark brown), it is said that these spots correspond to old blood and probably due to the process of implantation of the embryo during pregnancy. Usually this type of staining occurs in the first six weeks of gestation.

Now if you're bleeding red, it indicates the presence of fresh blood. Here you do need to be alert, because it is not considered normal during pregnancy. Call your doctor immediately (do not wait a minute longer).

Second, do you feel any pain? If you have cramps, then you can relax. But if the bleeding, however slight, is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar area (lower back), we again insist that you consult a doctor.

If you feel pain and stitches in the uterine area, that's different; while gestation in pregnancy progresses, your uterus needs to grow to accommodate the baby, so that kind of pain is not cause for alarm.

Third, the flow of these blood spots is abundant or intermittent? That is, you need to use a sanitary napkin or are smearing a little blood only? When it is mild, stay calm, especially if coffee. But as a general rule, a more abundant flow of blood may be cause for concern, especially if it is bright red.

Now, if there are cases of women who have had a mini menstruation the first weeks of pregnancy, but this has not affected the baby. Only a doctor can check how follows the pregnancy, so it is necessary to consult if you have a steady flow.

Unfortunately, if you're bleeding very profusely, it is not a good sign and experts say that there is nothing to do in most cases. But we repeat: each case is different. There is a low percentage of pregnant women who bleed a lot at first but ultrasound (or ultrasound) performed transvaginal the baby's heartbeat is checked and is believed that the bleeding could be due to a twin who was not further developed.

In any case, we always recommend consulting a specialist when some kind of vaginal bleeding occurs during pregnancy. Either because the embryo is settling in your uterus or for some other reason, it is better to alert your doctor so you can determine what the next steps.

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Bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy
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