Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which certain people can not eat gluten because it damages your small intestine inflaming and causing malabsorption of micronutrients and macronutrients.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, oats and rye. The prevalence in Europe is 1%.
Celiac disease affects people differently and their symptoms may occur in the digestive tract and other parts of the body. A person may have diarrhea and abdominal pain and other people may feel irritable or depressed.
Celiac disease is genetic and there are blood tests that can help your diagnosis; often you require a biopsy of the small intestine.
The diagnosis requires a detailed and thorough clinical examination:
- A blood analysis including serological markers of celiac disease: gliadin antibodies, endomysium and tissue transglutaminase.
- The diagnosis of certainty established intestinal biopsy without removing gluten from the diet.
How celiac disease occurs
The disease has several forms of presentation.
- Symptomatic: the symptoms are very different but all patients show a serology, histology and genetic tests compatible with the EC.
- Subclinical: In this case there will be no signs or symptoms or even be positive the rest of the evidence.
- Latent: it is patients given time, consuming gluten have no symptoms and intestinal mucosa is normal.
- Type A: These are patients who have been diagnosed with celiac disease in childhood and recovered completely after starting the gluten-free diet, staying in subclinical stage with normal diet.
- Type B: is those cases where it has been found in a previous study that the intestinal mucosa is normal but who develop the disease later.
Symptoms can be varied:
- Weightloss
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Sickness
- Vomiting
- Bloating
- Loss of muscle mass
- Stunting
- Mood changes such as irritability
- Apathy, introversion, sadness
- Abdominal pains
- Bloating
- Anemias iron deficits
Celiac disease is associated with other diseases such as dermatitis herpetiformis, type I diabetes mellitus, selective IgA deficiency, of Dwon syndrome, liver disease, thyroid disease, lactose intolerance.
Treatment: free diet foods containing gluten
Treatment consists of a diet free of foods containing gluten. This will allow recovery of the normal appearance of the intestinal villi, which once gluten from the diet eliminated, return to their normal size within weeks or months while they may spend 2 years until duodenal biopsies are normal.
Foods containing gluten
- Bread and wheat flour, barley, rye and oats.
- Scones, muffins, cakes, cookies and pastries in general.
- Italian pasta: macaroni, noodles and pizzas.
- Pasta soup.
- Semolina.
- Manufactured products that include any cited flour.
- Malted milkshakes and food.
- Chocolate, unless there is explicit declaration of the merchant.
- Drinks and teas made with cereals: malt, beer, barley water.
Foods that may contain gluten
- Charcuterie in general.
- Processed cheese into slices.
- Preserves.
- Pates.
- Sweets and candies.
- Nougat and marzipan.
- Coffee, tea and instant.
Although not padezas this disease, you may be interested to read the article Why do many feel better with a gluten-free diet?
Foods that do not contain gluten
- Milk and dairy products.
- Meat, fish and seafood.
- Eggs.
- Fruits, vegetables and legumes.
- Soy.
- Rice, maize and tapioca.
- Sugar.
- Honey.
- Oil.
- Margarine.
- Pepper and vinegar salt.
- Yeasts gluten.
- Dyes.
- Coffee and natural tea.
- Verbena.
- Carbonated beverages.
It is essential that people with this disease, carefully read the labels of the foods they buy.
- Extensive information on this disease on the website of the Federation of Associations of Celiacs of Spain
- Celiac disease in MedLine Plus
- Celiac disease, causes, symptoms and treatment
Celiac Disease: What It Is and foods containing gluten
1 komentar:
[…] is an application for celiacs that do not always have an easy time identifying gluten free foods, which can incorporate into your diet. With this application, simply enter the name of the food […]