Friday, September 9, 2016

3 Reasons Healthy Eating Seaweed

THE day, a healthy lifestyle with a high fiber eating alone in the community gettingtrendy. Among the many foods that are rich in fiber, one of which is seaweed. This plant can be processed into various types of delicious and healthy foods such asgrass jelly, candy, and pudding. Still not convinced by the use of herbal supple this one? Here are three reasons that you want to incorporate healthy seaweed as one of the main materials in your cooking to families.

1. Seaweed can help control your appetite.
Seaweed is low in fat, but packed with dissolve fiber helps control blood sugar levels and maintain the performance of stomach to keep it active. Fiber can help youfeel full with very few calories.

2. Seaweed is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Seaweed is a source of vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins and minerals, includingiodine, selenium, calcium and iron.

3. Rich in protein
Seaweed contains important amino acids as protein for body builders. A study alsoshowed that seaweed can help the absorption of fat. Other studies have also mentioned the consumption of seaweed may reduce the risk of breast cancerbecause of the effects antiestrogeniknya.

At last, how are we eat it? But can be fun dessert like grass jelly, candy and puddings, you can also see seaweed in your favorite sushi restaurant.

The types of seaweed that is the most popular “wakame, nori, Irish moss, kelp,kombu, dulse, hijiki and arame”. It could also be incorporated into soups,  stews, fries, or salad. There is also a dried seaweed as a powder or flakes. Try to sprinkledried seaweed on the vegetables, salads, and rice.

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3 Reasons Healthy Eating Seaweed
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