Friday, September 9, 2016

Yoga – an Effective Treatment for Menstrual Problems

Yoga has been gaining popularity in the physical fitness industry because of the benefitsit provides to kids, men and women. It is believed that this ancient system of healingcan change the way we feel, think and respond to situations in life. It is one of the manyways to treat many health issues including menstrual problems.

During menstrual period, most women are experiencing hormonal changes which cancause stress, anxiety and mood swings. Women also suffer from pain before, during orafter their menstruation which normally lasts from 3-7 days. Pain can be relieved in thesafest and most effective way by practicing a specific form of yoga on a regularly basis.

Let’s take for example the Hatha Yoga. It is a combination of meditation, poses and deepbreathing which effectively eases menstrual pain. Pranayama is the term used to refer to breathing.

Irregular menstrual cycles can also be regulated by yoga. Menstrual cycles vary fromwoman to woman; a cycle longer or shorter than 28 days means that it is irregular. Thecommon causes of irregularity in the cycle are illness, medication and stress. Since yogarelaxes a stressed person, it is recommended for treatment of irregular periods.

Different yoga poses for treatment of menstrual pains and irregular menstrual cyclesinclude Virasana or the hero’s pose, Dhanurasana or the bow pose, Baddha konasana orcobbler’s pose (sitting), Janu Shirsana or head to knee pose, Matysyasana or fish pose,Supta Baddhakonasana or Cobbler pose (lying down), The Cow Pose (Gaumukhasan –extremely beneficial for irregular periods), Supta Virasana or Hero Pose (lying down),the Cobra Pose or Bhujang Asana, the Half Wheel Pose or Ardhachakrasana, the LionPose (for thyroid disorders) and Pachimottansana or back to spine stretching pose.

These yoga poses help restore the hormonal imbalance of the endocrine system, tonethe abdominal muscles, increase spine flexibility and reduces stress levels. Performingthese poses at least three to five times a day and holding your body in the stretchedposition for thirty seconds will ensure that yoga will benefit you.

Start performing yoga now and you’ll have regular and pain-free menstrual period!

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Yoga – an Effective Treatment for Menstrual Problems
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