Saturday, September 10, 2016

Yoga for Kids

Our children today live a busy life just like we do. They wake up early for school. Spend several hours in learning. They stay up late at night for school assignments and school projects and waste their energy for school activities and sports. All of these schools pressures and their every routine can be stressful for them. Stress can affect their whole well-being and behavior.

As a parent, you need to take responsibilities. You need to find a way to counter these pressures. Just like us, their young body needs a break as well. To do this, we need to encourage and engage them to yoga. Children will have numerous benefits from yoga.

For thousands of years yoga has been known for its holistic and comprehensive approach to stress. Thus, yoga brings a sense of calmness and relaxation through concentration. Engaging your children in a regular yoga practice can improve their gross motor development, agility, cooperation and allows them to feel comfortable with their body as it experiences changes.

Yoga has a way to improve children’s behavioral problem by reducing symptoms associated with attention disorders and hyperactivity. It helps children to strengthen their interpersonal and interpersonal communication skills which play a vital role as they grow.

Here are some yoga poses that would suit children’s flexibility and agility:

1.Warrior One – helps maintain flexibility and strengthens their growing muscles. It will prevent or minimize less severe injuries especially for active kids engaged in sports.

2.Flying Bird pose and Tree Pose – help kids learn the value of self-control, enhancing their focus and awareness through concentration.

3.Crow pose – this pose will help the kids increase their self-esteem. Crow pose yields poise and power which will lead them to believe in and pursue their true ability.

4.Do-Nothing Pose or Deep Relaxation – a kind of pose that would teach kids the importance of peace. This pose is being done by just lying on your back quietly with peaceful stillness. Sometimes relaxation is associated with music and a guided visualization, foot massage or an herbal eye pillow.

Yoga also promotes social interactions. There are several poses that would allow the kids to understand the concept of oneness by working together as one and to trust each other in order to achieve the same goal. These exercises will inspire the kids to be patient, kind, and emphatic with themselves and their peers.

Establishing a regular yoga practice can improve your kid’s behavior, academic performance and physical health, according to the study made by California State University in 2003. Kids do not need to be at a certain age to begin yoga. It can be introduced to infants in order to instill the power to control their emotions resulting into a happier and healthier child.

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