Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Food for extra energy intake in children

Food for extra energy intake in children - In this article we will review the food necessary for a supply of extra energy in children, as there are many factors that contribute to a better or worse concentration and one of these is the daily diet.

According to experts in child nutrition nutritionists a balanced diet is essential to ensure proper physical and intellectual development of children at each stage of their growth.

The biggest benefit of having a balanced diet is that it provides the all nutrients necessary for the steady supply of energy throughout the day. That said, following are some foods that pack a punch extra energy to the body and brain of children.

9 food for an extra energy intake in children

1. Avena

Oatmeal is a very high-fiber cereal that provides carbohydrates of slow absorption. That is, it is a healthy and nutritious source of energy: it is full of protein, vitamins and minerals. Oats can be combined with other foods such as milk, yogurt and fruit. It is a very nutritious food, but should be taken moderately.

It is advisable to introduce the oats in feeding the child from the year of age and should be started with very small quantities and well cooked.

2. Bananas

Bananas are an important source of fiber, carbohydrates and sugars. Its high content of phosphorus is essential to the human body energy. In addition, this mineral helps the formation of bones and gums of smaller, it produces a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), responsible for storing energy in the body.

Properties and benefits ➡ 3 depurativas fruit: pear, pineapple and banana

3. Almonds

Almonds provide a lot of nutrients such as protein, fiber, monounsaturated fatty acids like Omega 3 and 6 that help keep the mind awake and improve the performance of the body. It also contains vitamins B and E, minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus.

All this makes it a perfect snack midmorning that help kids stay active. However, almonds are a food that contains a lot of calories, so we have to control the intake of these to not be overweight in the future.

➡ Properties and benefits of the best nuts

4. Spinach

They have laxative properties, as they are a good source of fiber. They also have a high content of folate, iron and other minerals that favor the formation of red blood cells. Also, they provide numerous health benefits:
  • They are an excellent source of calcium, iron and vitamins A and C,
  • Benefit the growth of bones and brain development,
  • They help strengthen muscles,
  • Protect the skin from harmful sun rays,
  • Reduce eye diseases.
➡ The benefits of eating spinach health

5. Aguacate

The avocado has a high level of monounsaturated fats and contains a great source of fiber, vitamin E and D. This food is easy and quick to prepare, since it does not require cooking. You can be eaten raw in salads or spread on bread.

Children from six months can begin to consume prior consultation with the pediatrician.

➡ Avocado: great ally of our heart

6. Salmon

Salmon is a fish rich in healthy fats that help lower cholesterol and increase blood flow. It contains fat soluble vitamins like A and D contributing to the growth, maintenance of skin, aid in calcium absorption and promote fixation of this mineral in bone.

➡ The benefits of eating fish blue

7. Blueberries

This fruit is an important source of energy and can be consumed by infants from eight months in juices or compotes.

Blueberries have a high nutritional value:
  • Potassium, which remain hydrated smaller and
  • fiber, which help proper digestion in children.
In addition, this fruit prevents urinary tract infections that are common when children start learning to use the toilet.

➡ 3 Properties and benefits of cleansing and antioxidant fruits: strawberries, raspberries and blueberries

8. Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent food for the smallest of the house and has numerous benefits:
  • allows the development of the bacterial flora, which results in better assimilation of nutrients,
  • to better absorption of minerals and better assimilation of vitamins,
  • It is rich in calcium and protein and helps build bones and teeth of children,
  • is digested easier than milk and body better assimilate all its components,
  • reduction reduces diarrhea,
  • It contains lactic acid which stimulates the action of digestive enzymes and therefore contributes.
➡ Reasons to take daily dairy products

➡ Recipe: Creamy dessert of Indian rice, banana, yogurt and chocolate

9. Kiwi

The kiwi is a fruit that contains twice as much vitamin C than oranges and kiwi to one day meet the recommended daily requirements.

It can be introduced into the diet of the smaller from 12 months of age, but in cases where the mother consumed regularly and have not been submitted to other food allergies, you can start earlier.

Some of the benefits of kiwifruit are:
  • it is rich in fiber and thus helps to prevent constipation,
  • It is high in natural enzymes which facilitate digestion,
  • It is rich in vitamin E, which protects the skin and helps fight infections,
  • contains folic essential acid during pregnancy and in children for growth and functioning of your immune system,
  • it is rich in magnesium, which contributes to the formation of bones and teeth,
  • increases the defenses reducing colds.
Properties and benefits ➡ 3 cleansing and antioxidant fruits: kiwi, orange, tangerine and cherry

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Food for extra energy intake in children
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