Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Enzymes in food: what they are and what they are

Papain, bromelain, actinidina, diastase, invertase, glucose oxidase, catalase, acid phosphatase, glutathione peroxidase ... are enzymes in food, required to improve the metabolic functions of the enzyme system and to increase the release of endorphins.

In this article I will explain what are enzymes and what foods are and the next, a diet to improve your enzymes and thus your health and wellness.

What are enzymes

Enzymes are proteins that occur within the organisms and collaborate with our metabolism absorbing micronutrient (amino acids, fatty acids and monosaccharides, etc.) to form complete nutrients (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and vitamins) and unfolding proteins , fats and carbohydrates in micronutrients.

The lack or destruction of own enzymes may be due to aging, digestive diseases such as stomach and intestine.

The enzyme deficiency is associated with fermentation and putrefaction of digested food can lead to indigestion or dysphagia, flatulence or aerofagia, skin problems, fatigue or fatigue, muscle aches and gallstones.

It is advisable to follow a diet in which fresh vegetables abound in oil consumption as vegetables, fruits, sprouts, fermented molasses, Horchata and vitamin supplements.

Classification of enzymes

Digestive enzymes

Allow the body effectively take nutrients from foods that make the diet and are secreted by the digestive tract.

metabolic enzymes

They are produced inside cells of body waste and contribute to the elimination of waste substances and toxins involved in the process of energy production and regeneration of cells of our body.

enzymes or enzyme dietary food

Part of the composition of raw foods, destroyed by the action of heat. Promote digestive processes and the functioning of other enzymes.

Enzymes in food

Papain contained in papaya

It produces papaya papain enzyme useful in people who do not produce enough pancreatic enzymes and intestinal causes symptoms of indigestion such as gas, bloating and flatulence.

Papain is a powerful protease that acts cleave proteins into amino acids and provides remarkable ability to improve the digestive process and avoid indigestion or dyspepsia.

It has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in skin conditions such as burns, rashes, ulcers, bedsores and wounds.

Papain enzyme is resistant to fungi, helping to reduce fungal infection.

Papain helps fight cancer by stimulating the immune cells and immune system reactions.

Papain has strong resistance to inflammation and helps fight inflammation of the joints and prostate.

It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.

Bromelain contained in pineapple

Pineapple Bromelain is a proteinase that splits proteins aiding digestion thereof.

It has anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anti-oedematous and fibrinolytic properties.

Its therapeutic benefits have to be used as a dietary supplement for the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, arthritis, tendinitis, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and digestive diseases.

People at risk of bleeding should take with caution because bromelain when combined with certain drugs, such as aspirin and anticoagulants increases the risk of bleeding.

Kiwi actinidin

It is a catalyst for protein digestion. It is a proteinase that splits proteins and helps improve digestion fighting dyspepsia.

The grapefruit

It contains essential enzymes and is a good option for people who have diabetes, high cholesterol and heart problems.

Honey bee

Manuka honey contains enzymes that help improve digestion. Honey contains diastase, invertase, glucose oxidase, catalase and acid phosphatase.
  • Diastasecatalyzesstarchdextrinand subsequentlyglucose or sugar.
  • Invertasedividingdigests carbohydratessucrose into itscomponentsare glucoseand fructose.
  • Glucose oxidaseis an enzyme thatcleaves
  • Catalasecleaveshydrogen peroxide inhydrogen and water.

Health benefits of honey consumption

The enzymes contained in honey provide numerous benefits for the health of people who consume it:
  • Confrontdiabetesdue to thebeneficial action ofglucose oxidaseand invertasethat contribute tonormalizeblood glucose levels.
  • They have naturalantibiotic propertiesresistingbacteria andnatural antiseptic properties.
  • They are naturalimmune stimulatingbecause itsenzymeshelp reducecoldsand flu.
  • Catalaseis a powerful antioxidantwith anti-agingeffects thatprolongs life andprevents the onset ofchronic degenerative diseasessuch as heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases and

Raw green vegetables

Vegetables such as celery, parsley, broccoli or lettuce are rich in chlorophyll and contain enzymes and antioxidants that help improve health and fitness.

Raw asparagus contains glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that contributes to the production of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

It is important to consume raw fruits and vegetables in salad because enzymes are destroyed by the heat of cooking or frying food. Its action is so beneficial worth consuming raw.

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