Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Water hydration and health

Water hydration and health - We speak today as a nutrient water because water is the most important element of the body since it constitutes 65% of total body weight. About 60% are found within cells and about 40% circulates in the blood and bathes the tissues.

It is the transport vehicle and most of the body metabolic reactions and solvent many nutritious substances of waste products. Water is the vehicle of nutrients throughout the body through the blood and lymph.

Water is the main component of all body tissues and can not function without it. Digestion, breathing, metabolism, elimination and breathing are impossible to be without water. Regulates body temperature, lubricates joints and other tissues (tendons, ligaments, cartilage, etc.), protects the brain and spinal and maintains the osmotic pressure of the body.

They need to eat a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily. Tap water is the main source of water but contains elements such as chlorine, aluminum, fluoride, estrogens, lead and copper that if consumed in excess can harm the body, which use water jugs recommended filter or installing filters on taps. It is also advisable to drink mineral water.

The food in your nutritional composition containing water.
  • Fruits and vegetables contain 80-90% water.
  • The richest water meats are chicken (38%) and lamb (31%).
  • Fish encompassing more water are squid (76%) and sole (63%).
  • The cooked egg includes a 73% water.


Dehydration is a problem that occurs when you lose more fluid than ingested and the body does not have enough water or fluids to carry out its normal functions. Daily lose water as water vapor in the air we breathe, sweat, urine and feces together with water and mineral salts are also lost. Dehydration is generated when we lose too much water.

Causes of dehydration

  • Severe or acute diarrhea causing great loss of water and electrolytes in a short time. If accompanied by abundant vomiting lose even more fluids and prognosis worsens.
  • Fever generating fluid loss, in direct relation to the temperature, ie the higher body temperature more water is removed.
  • Polyuria or frequent and typical of diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus abundant urination. They also produce polyuria numerous medications such as diuretics, antihistamines, antihypertensives, antidepressants and alcohol.
  • Excessive sweating by exercise and high temperatures. Athletes should drink water before and after exercise and a minimum amount of 3 liters of water. It is also advised to drink more water during the summer because high temperatures increase perspiration.
  • Insufficient water intake.

Loss of body water: Symptoms

Symptoms vary in relation to the percentage of lost water. The prognosis worsens lost larger amounts of water.
  • 02.01%: intense thirst, loss of appetite, malaise, fatigue, weakness and headaches.
  • 3-5%: dry mouth, little urine, difficulty concentrating at work, impaired intelligence and memory, drowsiness, tingling of the extremities and emotional instability.
  • 6-8%: increased temperature, heart rate, breathing, dizziness, difficulty speaking and breathing, mental confusion, muscle weakness and bluish lips.
  • 9-11%: muscle spasms, delirium, impaired balance and circulation, swollen tongue, renal failure, decreased blood volume, low blood pressure. If the problem quickly coma and death is triggered is not resolved.
The recommended treatment in losses to 6% of water is ingesting more than 12 glasses of water a day. are also advisable sera, alkaline lemon: Home serum prepared with 1 liter of water, lemon juice, 1 tablespoon salt and sodium bicarbonate and 2-3 tablespoons sugar is effective in gastroenteritis accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. If higher water losses are generated by 8% shall enter the subject in a hospital for examination, observation and hydration.

Preventing dehydration is to drink 8 glasses of water daily. The elderly, pregnant women, infants and athletes must drink 12 glasses of water a day.
  • The elderly need to eat more water because your body contains less water, the kidneys lose function with age and have impaired thirst mechanism regulating.
  • Pregnant women need to take in more water to increase blood volume that supplies blood to the fetus and maintain amniotic fluid surrounding him.
  • Athletes should hydrate before and after exercise to recover the amount of water lost.
And you, how much you drink water?

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1 komentar:

March 18, 2016 at 6:07 AM Delete

[…] those who have dry skin and provide extra hydration, you can add a tablespoon of honey after crushing the […]
