Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Does Dehydration Cause Diarrhea in Children

Does Dehydration Cause Diarrhea in Children - It is called dehydration to excessive loss of body fluid. If your child is dehydrated, that means it does not have enough fluid you need to perform all its vital functions.

Water is the main component of our body. It is so important that in a newborn 80% of their body composition is water in an infant 6 months approximately 70% and 60% adult.

Infants and young children more easily than adults dehydrate; and a child can be dehydrated either by low fluid intake or excessive loss thereof, for example in case of vomiting, diarrhea or fever. Dehydration in sick children is often a combination of both low intake and fluid loss.

Dehydration can be mild and easy to correct; or severe, so that endangers the life of your child. Dehydration in children under five can be a real emergency that threatens your life, so that as parents we should know to prevent, recognize and react to their presence.

How I can know if my child is dehydrated?

Any of these signs may indicate that your child is dehydrated or dehydrated you are:
  • Crying with few tears.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Have dark yellow urine in the diaper and that smells stronger than usual.
  • Is lethargic and without power.
  • It has dry mouth and lips; and thick saliva.
  • If a baby fontanelle (the soft area of ​​your head where the bones have not joined completely) looks or feels depressed.
Signs that a child may be severely dehydrated:
  • Do not tears when crying.
  • Spend more than six hours without a wet diaper.
  • The hands and feet are cold and appear to have spots.
  • Loss of consciousness, is as faint and you can not wake up.

What should I do if my child is dehydrated?

At the slightest suspicion or sign of dehydration increases fluid intake and go with your pediatrician. Babies and toddlers can become dangerously dehydrated quickly, so your doctor will want to review it to rule out any complications or risk. If present with mild dehydration in addition to treatment for the cause of dehydration, your pediatrician will indicate oral rehydration solution (Vida Suero Oral, Pedialyte®, Electrolit®, etc.) in case you have preserved intake. If present with dehydration that can not be corrected orally (in the least of the time) a child may need intravenous fluid management.

If you think your child has any signs of severe dehydration mentioned, seek medical attention immediately, as your life may be in danger.

Oral rehydration solutions are specially formulated to restore the loss of fluids and salts in these cases; and are available free of charge at health centers or are sold in pharmacies. Do not replace these fluids by commercial sports drinks. Although they contain electrolytes, they have a sugar concentration above the electrolytic liquid rehydrate made especially for children.

In addition to the hydration solution provides plenty of fluids to your hij @ avoid giving sugary drinks, juices or soft drinks because the high concentration of sugar in these drinks produce more diarrhea by high osmolarity.

Not all children like the taste of the electrolytic liquid, so if your child refuses to drink them, ask your pediatrician if you can recommend an alternative.

Continues to provide breast milk to your child and offer it more frequently; even if you do not drink oral rehydration solution breast milk in adequate quantity it can hydrate the same or better.

If your child is fed with formula (formula) continues offering it and ask your pediatrician if necessary to make a change in the type of formula. There is no one that is better to breast milk formula.

How I can prevent dehydration?

To prevent dehydration, it is important to make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids, especially on hot days and when you are sick.

If your baby is less than six months, still giving breast milk or formula on demand. In children older than 6 months you can supplement with a little water. Some pediatricians allow mothers to give their children water from 4 months but should not offer more than 3 ounces in 24 hours until it begins to eat solid foods.

In newborns and infants dehydrated can be dangerous to give too much water, "tea" or tea; as this does not replace the mineral salts (sodium, potassium and chloride) who lose children in excess dehydration and can cause serious complications such as seizures.

When it is easier to dehydrate my child?

Some circumstances in which you should be alert for risk of dehydration are:

• Fever. Offer him plenty of fluids whenever you have a fever. If you have difficulty swallowing, your doctor will tell you if any medicine for pain or inflammation is necessary.

• Overheating. Too much activity on a hot day or just because sitting in a closed room with stale and stuffy air can increase sweating and fluid loss. Give your than usual during hot weather more fluids son.

• Stomach flu. If your child has bowel disease, you may lose fluids as diarrhea and / or vomiting. Do not give fruit juices, the situation may worsen, and do not give antidiarrheal drugs counter. I just encourage him to drink more milk (or failing formula) of drinking normally and complements other fluids if you have 6 months or más.Cuando a child presents with diarrhea intake electrolyte solution is recommended. The usual way to administer solutions oral hydration in diarrhea without dehydration, regardless of brand, is to give in under half year cup (75 milliliters or 2½ ounces) and over one year of a cup (150 milliliters or 5 ounces ) after each unformed stool and also offer it on demand throughout the day. If you think your child has signs of dehydration or in doubt, consult your pediatrician.

• Threw up. Viruses and intestinal infections can cause vomiting. If your child has difficulty keeping fluids in your stomach, it can easily become dehydrated. Try to give very small amounts of liquid dropper or a teaspoon very slowly, often. If you continue vomiting, notify your pediatrician.

• Refuses to drink. A sore throat or other discomfort, can cause so much pain that children sometimes stop drinking. If necessary your doctor will tell you any medicine for pain or inflammation. Cold liquids can soothe the pain, but do not give citrus juices like orange, because he escocerán irritated tissue of the throat.

Alarm data

Seek medical attention immediately if a child has any of the following symptoms, the life of a child with these data may be at risk:
  • Lack of tear production
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Absence or low urine output.
  • Dry skin back into position slowly when pinched up into a fold.
  • Dry mouth and eyes.
  • Sunken soft spots on a baby's head.
  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Blood in the stool or vomit.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting in infants under two months of age.
  • Listlessness or inactivity.
Likewise, you should consult your pediatrician if you're not sure whether you are properly hydrating your son.

Rapid recognition and treatment of dehydration usually produces good results. Remember that you can prevent it and have the support of your pediatrician to maintain the health of your children.

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9 komentar

March 15, 2016 at 10:09 PM Delete

[…] is added. In cases where oral hydration should be carried out intravenously is not tolerated. Dehydration is a serious matter that could endanger life, so it is advisable to seek medical help when […]

March 20, 2016 at 10:55 PM Delete

[…] – Infant Dehydration is a condition that can occur for various reasons, such as vomiting or diarrhea. Parents should know the symptoms of dehydration to remedy as soon as possible. Usually easily […]

March 20, 2016 at 11:20 PM Delete

[…] dark urine, strong odor in the diaper, no tears when crying, dry mouth and lips and lethargy. To prevent dehydration, make sure an infant with high fever is to drink plenty of fluids. You can give 4 ounces of water, […]

March 29, 2016 at 10:49 AM Delete

[…] adds that hydration is as important as good nutrition. It indicates that all drinks, not just water, serve to hydrate the body. The attached table […]

April 1, 2016 at 9:25 AM Delete

[…] of the small intestine by viruses, bacteria or parasites, malnutrition linked to prolonged diarrhea and taking some antibiotics and syndromes malnutrition as anorexia and […]
