Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How much water to drink to lose weight calculator

It all depends on your lifestyle, but you should never stop taking water for even a single day.

how much water to drink to lose weight calculator, an approximate formula is based on the body mass of individuals. However, no practical sense, because it must take all the water required by the body and not be guided by a mathematical formula, because the water is not fattening and excess is excreted in urine.

The water is used to produce satiety and thus cause a decrease in food intake. However, the important thing to lose weight, is not so much how much water per day take, but reduce the amount of calories consumed. The lower limit is set at 1200 kilocalories according to the American College of Sports Medicine, that is less than that amount is hazardous to health.

How much water to drink to lose weight calculator

With regard to water, experts recommend drinking 1.5 to 3 liters of water per day, but that depends on body size, the level of physical activity undertaken and environmental conditions. These values ​​are to stay hydrated; in weight reduction programs are encouraged to extreme consumption of liquid.

But it is not advisable to drink too much water, because they work in the kidneys to eliminate overload; the body through urination and sweat, lose sodium, potassium and chlorine components that are part of the muscle contraction and thus the heart muscle, being dangerous therefore, excessive hydration.

In this regard Dr. Juan Jose Rufilanchas, an expert in cardiovascular surgery Ruber International Hospital in Madrid said: "The danger is dehydration but water intoxication. Athletes who die in marathons or collapse, we know since 2002, which is water intoxication. In the Boston Marathon, 2002, 488 runners had blood drawn before and after running the marathon, and saw that most of the runners had low sodium, ie, had drunk too much water, and that those who collapsed and those who came to the finish and lost consciousness or were confused, did not know what they did, they all had water intoxication. None of those with some dehydration, had no problem of confusion or syncope, that is, that is what kills water intoxication and no dehydration. "

Therefore, water consumption should be balanced as physical activity and caloric intake.

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How much water to drink to lose weight calculator
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