Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How many bottles of water should you drink a day

How many bottles of water should you drink a day - In this life all excess is bad, even water. While a lot of water at once is not taken, the maximum you should eat each day really depends on how well the person feels. The famous rule 8 glasses is good. If it is true, at least it maintains hydration, but it is not general and in many cases is not the appropriate measure.

The truth is that the amount of water that should drink daily varies as to the circumstances of each individual. It is estimated that on average, men should take about 3 liters and 2.2 liters of women water a day. Although these amounts are not decisive. If you exercise, you live in very hot area, if you are at any given medical treatment, if a lot of soda, coffee or alcohol is ingested, the body will need to compensate with a greater amount of water.

How many bottles of water should you drink a day

Take little water a day is definitely not beneficial. Dehydration causes fatigue and tiredness, limits the work of most of the body's organs. Water helps in the digestive process, usually makes feel less hungry. It maintains healthy skin and contributes to the proper functioning of the kidneys; in short, it keeps us alive.

Water is the most abundant constituent of our body, if we are not in deficit, we will be healthier overall. What many people do not take into account is that the more water we consume are less likely to get sick, regardless of the eating habits of each person, corresponding with the other nutritional body.

The advice is to always have on hand a thermos / bottle / reusable water container, fill it every time you will leave home and recharge wherever you can. This practice is not only cheaper, but to not spend on water in plastic bottles, avoid generating unnecessary waste really. Principle of "Reuse" 3R's. Health!

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How many bottles of water should you drink a day
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