Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What does hydration mean

Definition Hydrating

Water is the main component of the body, makes up 60% of the body weight of men and 50% in women, this difference is due to the fact that women have a higher fat content. Regarding distribution we can say that 70% is inside the cells while the remaining 30% is in blood vessels forming part of the blood and in the spaces between the cells known as interstices.

Water has the ability to freely go inside or outside the cell, these movements are regulated by the solutes that are in each of the spaces and constitute the phenomenon known as osmosis. The body is able to maintain this delicate balance by complex mechanisms that regulate the levels of ions such as sodium, chloride and potassium (known as electrolytes) with water levels in each compartment.

Electrolytes are regulated by mechanisms pumps and channels in cell membranes, while water is regulated by hormonal mechanisms. When there are low levels of water increases the concentration of solutes in turn increasing osmolarity, this triggers a series of mechanisms that produce thirst with water is ingested, this in turn is eliminated by various routes such as breathing, sweat, digestive secretions, urine and feces.

When fluid levels and solutes are in optimal values ​​talking about a good state of hydration, which is essential for normal functioning of the various organs and systems. This is objectively evidential to physically examine a person and evaluate the results of laboratory studies.

When for some reason fluid intake decreases (as in the case of vomiting, anorexia or lesions in the mouth and throat to prevent swallowing) or increase losses (such as diarrhea, in excessive sweating after exercise or fever, increased volume of urine in diabetics or people using diuretics or in cases of sunstroke) this balance is disturbed and a phenomenon known as dehydration, in which the functioning of the body is affected even putting at risk occurs the individual's life. Gastroenteritis diarrhea is a major cause of infant mortality in poor countries, these children die from dehydration.

In a situation in which fluid loss occurs in the body is necessary to supply water to avoid dehydration, absorption is improved if a small amount of water sodium (salt) is added. In cases where oral hydration should be carried out intravenously is not tolerated. Dehydration is a serious matter that could endanger life, so it is advisable to seek medical help when situations such as those described are presented.

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1 komentar:

March 21, 2016 at 2:32 AM Delete

[…] dehydration not only water is removed, but also electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium). Must maintain a balance between […]
