Saturday, July 9, 2016

Wellness Programs and Weight Management

Health Promotion Program offered is in line with scientific and medical recommendations for weight loss, reflects a multi-disciplinary approach which offers four components –  behavioral, exercise, nutrition, and maintenance, and is in accordance with the document Guidance for Treatment of Adult Obesity. It includes 

  •  Screening to verify that the participant lacks medical or psychological conditions which would make losing weight inappropriate, and to identify the participant’s level of health risk, classifying participants not only on excess body weight, but also because of associated health conditions and overall heath risk.
  • Referral for participants who are morbidly obese who would require medical guidance for weight reduction.
  • Informed consent, explanation of potential physical and psychological risk from losing weight and regain, likely long-term success of health promotion program, full cost of the health promotion program, credentials of the staff.
  • Identification of contributing factors to participant’s weight status, serving as the basis for an individualized weight loss plan which includes the weight goal and plans for nutrition, exercise, and behavioral components.
  • Weight goal of participant is reasonable based on personal and family weight history not solely on height and weight charts; initial losing weight goal doesn’t exceed loss of 10% of body weight, 1-2 pounds per week.
  • Explanation of unsafe weight reduction methods.
  • Daily calorie level is adjusted to meet each participant’s advised rate of weight reduction.
  • Daily caloric intake isn’t less than 1,000 calories; if less, physician monitoring is required.
  • Food plan designed so participants can select foods which meet 100 percent of all the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) except for calories. Nutritional supplementation can be used to achieve RDAs, nevertheless shouldn’t greatly exceed RDAs.    
  • Nutrition education stimulating permanent healthy consuming habits based on the Food Guide Pyramid.    
  • Participant involved in meal planning and food selection.    
The protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fluid content of the food plan meet safety recommendations    
Protein   Between 0.8 and 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of goal body weight, but no more than 100 grams of protein a day.
Fat   10 to 30% calories as fat.
Carbohydrate   At least 100 grams per day.
Fluid   At least one liter of water daily.
  • Exercise component ought to be a meaningful portion of the health promotion program and be both didactic and experiential.
  • Participant is appropriately screened for exercise using a screening questionnaire such as the Par-Q Readiness Assessment (see forms). Instruction on recognizing untoward responses to exercise.
  • Participants work towards 30-60 minutes of exercise 5-7 days per week.
  • No appetite suppressant drugs.
  • Maintenance plan offered for continued support.
  • Weight control programs must be conducted by a registered dietitian or by degreed health professionals with training in nutrition with consultation by a registered dietitian.
  • Trained lay leaders may assist if supervised by nutrition expert.
  • Note – There is an interactive version of Guidance for the Treatment of Adult Obesity at e-Guidance for the Treatment of Adult Obesity.

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Wellness Programs and Weight Management
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