Saturday, July 9, 2016

Health Promotion Programs – Cholesterol Measurement and Education

Program is required to provide appropriate interpretation of cholesterol screening results, including a caution that a single measurement neither excludes nor establishes a diagnosis of their blood cholesterol.

Follow national guidelines

Total Cholesterol
Desirable cholesterol   < 200 mg/dl
Borderline cholesterol   200 – 239 mg/dl
High cholesterol   > 240 mg/dl

Desirable HDL    > 35 mg/dl
Low HDL    < 35 mg/dl
Refer cholesterol screening participants to medical care as follows   
Total Cholesterol   

< 200 mg/dl    Recheck cholesterol in five years, when history of coronary heart illness or when two or more CHD risk factors are detected refers to risk reduction program or health specialists, as appropriate. 

200 - 239 mg/dl    If history of CHD or if two or more other risk factors are detected, refer to medical care or risk reduction service within two months; if no announced history of CVD or less than two other risk factors, reassess cholesterol status within 1-2 years.
> 240mg/dl    Refer to medical care within two months. 

> 35 mg/dl   When fewer than 2 risk factors and borderline sum cholesterol, refer to risk reduction service, as appropriate. Reassess HDL in 1-2 years.

Provide the following   
  • The relationship of blood cholesterol, high blood pressure (BP), and other risk factors.    
  • Risk factors include high blood pressure 140/90 or higher or on hypertension medication; current cigarette smoking; family history of premature CHD; diabetes mellitus; age – male > 45 years, female > 55 years or premature menopause without estrogen replacement therapy.
  • Negative risk factor –  high HDL 60 mg/dl or greater (subtract one risk factor).
  • Risk factors like family history, use of tobacco, high fat or other unhealthy diet, andlack of exercise lead to the development of cardiovascular illness (CVD).
  • Definitions and causes of high blood cholesterol and HDL, desirable levels, the meaning and limitations of a single measurement, the cause of variability, and the need for multiple measurements before diagnosis.    
  • Wide range of treatment options, including diet (e.g., importance of controlling fat intake less than 30% of total calories from fat, less 10% saturated fats), less than 300 mg. of cholesterol per day, well-balanced diet, weight maintenance or reduction, exercise, and medication.    
  • Importance of following prescribed treatment and professional advice.  

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Health Promotion Programs – Cholesterol Measurement and Education
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