Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Fun and easy crafts for home

A great idea to hang out with your children is doing crafts together. Besides promoting unity and stimulate the creativity of both, the result can be incredibly beautiful that could decorate your room or used as a gift.

Before starting, gather all the necessary materials and change your clothes that do not want to mess. Now, make yourself comfortable and let's get to work!

For children 3 years

Characters with popsicle sticks

Each to go for a Popsicle, ask your child to keep the sticks, and when you have collected five or more, transform them into the characters that you like your little (superheroes, animals, monsters and other funny faces).

They need:

  • Non-toxic paint blue, yellow and red (and you can make combinations with them to get other colors)

  • Brush

  • small buttons

  • Small pieces of colored felt

  • Eyes for dolls (sell in haberdashery)

  • Glue

Paint sticks of different colors and let them dry. Then paint the faces at one end of the stick. Add the eyes and mouth make a button; nose, with bits of felt. They can draw on toys, dolls and favorite series of television your child.

For children 4 years

Worm cardboard

This funny worm will feel if they decide to do so for the next birthday party

They need:

  • 1 egg carton of a dozen

  • no toxic black green, red, yellow, white and paint.

  • Straw or straw, cut in two (5cm each, approximately).

  • Brushes

  • Scissors

Cut the egg carton in half (remaining 6 spaces vertically) and flip it over so that it is down the exposed portion. Paint it all green. Once it has dried, fill your fingers yellow and red paint And put points to the body of the worm. The front of the egg cup will be the head. PĂ­ntenle eyes (use black and white) and nose. In the part of the "front", make two small holes to put there the two bits of straw, as an antenna.

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Fun and easy crafts for home
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