Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Organize your pantry. Where to store each food?

Saving and order food in the pantry and the refrigerator is essential to optimize consumption, poor maintenance because economic losses involves having to discard spoiled food, besides being a health risk.

Improves your fridge and pantry

There are a number of tips that can help us improve our fridge available:

Read the label to see if the food has special considerations of conservation and to check the expiration date and so make sure it's in good condition.

Discard foods smell, color and texture strange that do not correspond to the usual in the food as it may indicate the onset of deterioration.

Food should be distributed on shelves taking into account the expiration dates. In the background, the longest shelf life products are placed and in the most accessible part, which spoiled before.

In the low and greater access areas it is recommended to place frequently used foods and lasting less. Drinks are grouped as the basis of the pantry, in the intermediate zones. In the highlands, items such as paper napkins, aluminum foil, etc. will be placed

Keep leftovers and packaged products already open in hermetically sealed containers and in the fridge.

We must dedicate a place intended solely to food. Mix them with cleaning products can be dangerous.

Staples (rice, beans, coffee, sugar, pasta) save many meals and also have long expiry dates and not to go buy often.

Saving each food

There are certain food groups that have specific concerns and recommendations:
  • The milk must be kept protected from light and once open the package, must be kept strictly in the refrigerator.
  • Bread can hold one or two days at room temperature in a dry place, but can also be frozen.
  • Cereals (rice, pasta), legumes and nuts, to be products with low water content, they do not need strict storage conditions but it is better to preserve them in sealed containers at room temperature in a cool dry place to avoid alteration by molds. Instead, fresh pasta, which contains a higher percentage of water, be preserved for a few days refrigerated.
  • Potatoes, as tuber, can be maintained in a clean, ventilated and dimly lit room, trying not remain stacked.
  • To preserve the integrity of the oil, it must be away from excessive heat, air, moisture and especially of light, the optimal temperature of 20 ° C.
  • Eggs can be stored in the pantry away from the warm areas of the kitchen, but if you want better durability, it is best to store them in the refrigerator.
Store in cold

There are foods that need to be kept cold:
  • The cheese is stored in the refrigerator, if possible in not airtight containers to prevent drying out too much or deterioration by mold or mildew.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits are best kept in the warmest part of the refrigerator, usually in the lower drawers.
  • Cooked foods have been stored in the refrigerator or freezer, always in clean, closed containers to prevent leaking.
  • The meat is kept in the coldest part of the refrigerator. It may be three to five days and the best way to preserve it is filleted or cut into small pieces to cool faster.
  • Fresh fish and seafood are altered quickly and easily. They need cold storage (refrigeration or freezing) and have been well insulated packaging for its smell is not spread and do not drip on other foods.

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Organize your pantry. Where to store each food?
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