Sunday, April 17, 2016

Tips to start the week with energy

It happens to all of us. Monday, July morning. The alarm sounds. Resoplas and think I wish you could stay a little longer in bed. Are you sleepy. Remember how well you were the day before. Then you come to mind all the things you have to do, all the obligations and commitments of the week. But believe me, it is very easy to give a 180 degree turn if you know look on the bright side of life.

Your face gives you away. You sleep, the alarm has sounded three times, he was still dawning. Get up with a pessimistic attitude does not help, and it takes a toll on your emotional well-being. The effects of getting up on the wrong foot ends up having consequences.

It is time to stop hate Mondays. Start the week with energy will enable you to face the rest of the week with humor and with a big smile, and best of all, you will be able to transmit to the rest that positivism. Mondays are a great day to make thousands of things besides go to work or class. Plan your week and takes note of these tricks for Monday do not you uphill.

Tips to start Monday with energy

Get up with energy and good face is possible if you make some small changes in your daily life and avoid the 'Monday effect'. Advice, program the alarm half an hour earlier than usual (even if it costs) and uses that half hour more to lengthen your shower, take a good breakfast easy, review the latest photos you took with your mobile phone and remember the good times you have left the weekend, etc. Take advantage and dress up to go to work, it sounds artificial, look good improves your self-esteem. Choose your wardrobe a set you feel great and walk safely.

Plan your week
Put in order your week. Grab the agenda and points all plans that have pending. Planned very useful to avoid stress.

Sleeps necessary
Sleep is a habit that we are slowly losing. If we do not rest enough, our body note. Take the Sunday afternoon quietly, to adapt a week. Take the opportunity to recharge your batteries and have a different pace at the weekend.

Do not associate leisure time at the weekend
For the day will become shorter, be encouraged to have fun after work plans. Coffee with friends, play sports you like, prepare a different dinner. Do not associate with a particular enjoyment day on Saturdays.

Watch your diet
Food also influences how you feel. A balanced and complete diet will help optimize energy production necessary for proper intellectual and physical performance. As we have said, begins on Monday, taking a balanced and rich breakfast, containing your dose of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins to give you the energy you need.

Practice mindfulness
Seize every moment since you wake up. Enjoy every action you make, from take a coffee to go walking to work. Learn to see your day positively. Avoid angry and face the day with a smile. Mindfulness, a technique from Buddhism, helps you focus on yourself, ignoring external factors and reducing stress levels.

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Tips to start the week with energy
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