The radicchio or red chicory is a very popular especially in northern Italy vegetables. It belongs to the family of composite, to which it belongs endive. It is a compact whorl formed by layers of leaves and crunchy texture purple with a central vein white. It is very appealing to the eye and provides strong flavors and a bitter touch to recipes part as an ingredient.
What are the nutritional properties of radicchio?
The radicchio can be considered a vegetable with digestive effect due to its content of certain substances, such as intibina, a compound which gives the bitter taste and has particularity to stimulate the secretion of bile, favoring the digestive activity. In addition, the radicchio contains other interesting elements for health, such as flavonoids are compounds which, by its antioxidant action, have a cell and preventive protective effect against certain degenerative diseases.
Like most vegetables, radicchio has a high water content and low caloric intake. Instead, it is a good source of fiber, making it perfect for inclusion in weight control diets. Its fiber contains rich inulin component that is attributed prebiotic effect, because favoring healthy intestinal flora and helps prevent constipation.
Among its mineral content, it noted for its content of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium something. The first two are basic in the structure of bones and numerous metabolic processes. Potassium, among many other functions, involved in the balance of body fluids inside and outside cells. And magnesium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle relaxation and is involved in protein synthesis.
In a matter of vitamins, red chicory contains provitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B1, B2 and, in smaller amounts, vitamin C and folic acid. Provitamin A and also have antioxidant action is converted to vitamin A in our body as this one needs. This vitamin is related to immunological processes and training or maintenance of tissue structures (skin, mucous membranes, hair).
How can you consume?
This vegetable is usually eaten raw, and provides a note of color and intense flavor to fresh salads, making them more attractive. Furthermore, it is the best way to leverage their nutritional components. In fact, we often find as one of the main ingredients in the bags and prepared mesclun salad leaves. Although radicchio also lends itself to many other culinary possibilities, being able to consume roasted, sauteed with other vegetables, baked, or fried. With it can be made tasty dishes with pasta, rice and vegetables, meat or fish. As it has a slightly bitter taste, it mixes well with some sweet vegetables like carrots, beets or squash.
Radicchio Recipe: Pasta with radicchio
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 400g of pasta (raw)
- 500 g of radicchio (red chicory)
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 2 bay leaves
- 20 pitted black olives
- 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- Grated Parmesan cheese (optional)
- Salt
- Pepper
Boil pasta in salted water, drain when al dente, and reserve it. First prepare the vegetables: wash and cut into strips of radicchio leaves; peel the carrot and onion and cut into strips and squares respectively.
Then, heat the olive oil in a skillet and saute the onion. Once left the transparent medium onion, add carrots and radicchio and bay leaves; let cook with the pan covered and go stirring. According feel like us, you can leave the vegetables or less. It is recommended that is slightly crunchy.
A few minutes before turning off the heat, add the precut black olives; and season with salt and pepper. Add the pasta to the pan with the vegetables and saute all together. After a few minutes, you're ready to serve. As a final touch, and you can add grated Parmesan cheese.
Radicchio, a digestive vegetables