Saturday, April 16, 2016

Study tread sports

The study of the footprint is one of the most recommended for athletes testing. With this test tread both static and the movement that makes the entire limb and the rear foot support, which can reproduce what happens with it inside the shoe it is observed.

With the study of the footprint we can know alterations in the muscles and bones that could not otherwise know.

For most athletes, their feet are their "treasure". Any problem that affects them can be a real headache to have to overcome as quickly as possible. Those feet, in most cases, are protected by shoes, which in the last times have been gaining importance. This importance is not only determined by large marketing campaigns that inundate us, but the shoes have evolved and have increasingly greater specialization taking into consideration many factors inherent in the sport that is practiced.

But, after all, a condition "sine qua non" that must have footwear that fits is the anatomy of the foot of each individual not only in static, ie standing, but moving. When a person is standing, the support on the feet is done in a certain way but to get going, the footprint changes. The fact that there is a movement causes not only into "play" foot properly, but the lower extremity can "force" the foot to be placed in a different way than was static.

The footprint, ie how we stand still standing flatfoot (nonexistent or minimal curvature) is classified into normal foot, foot I dig (has a curvature in the intermediate area of the foot) and. When the foot is still, the support also gives us a lot of information because the foot are, fingers with her nails. alterations own fingers are equally important to value mode because the fingers have an essential role in the movement of the tread. Any involvement at this level may indirectly force changes at the time of takeoff foot off the ground and therefore the effectiveness of the movement.

Why the study is used tread

For these possible changes, the study of the footprint is one of the most recommended tests. This tread both static and the movement that makes the entire limb and the rear foot support, which can reproduce what happens with it inside the shoe is observed.

Generically, the tread is classified into three: pronation, supination and neutral. Pronation is impacted on the floor with the inside of the foot in supination while the outer part is that impacts the ground. The person who has a neutral tread performs a movement of "S" to set foot on the ground. Significantly, the tread has different phases and these are also evaluated when motion is studied.

Today the technique is an ally for the professional. Place cameras at different angles to keep details of any possible alteration and the existence of graphics software that offer different pressures, are an added value. Pressing the software is able to translate the forces exerted on a platform, in colors and thus can be assessed more accurately, as steps at all times to draw practical conclusions.

Besides knowing what the reaction of the limbs in motion is also important to assess other factors. Among them, the functionality of the muscles or joints about possible changes in the balance as dismetría articular hip, valuations are completed in a study of the tread.

With all the information obtained can be diagnosed alterations that would otherwise have been difficult to do so and offer highly customized solutions for each case.

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Study tread sports
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