Workaholism addiction symptoms - Overworking can not only be counterproductive to your health, but also hide a real addiction. In this article we tell you how to identify this disorder and help you solve it.
Have a high commitment to work can lead to workaholism, which carries a risk to health, not only physical, but also psychological.
What does being a workaholic or workaholic?
Having a job is a virtue, but overworking can lead to serious problems for our health. Addictions pose a dependency or need to something, whether a toxic substance (such as drugs, alcohol or snuff) as something more mental (such as shopping addiction, internet, gambling, even to work). The difference between it and other addictions is that in many cases rewards the person who works too much, which makes every day there are more cases.
Workaholism means, sometimes without thinking, take on more and more tasks and stop side hobbies and personal relationships. They feel an urge to be very productive and in return do not enjoy their leisure time.
The term was coined workaholic in the early 70s by psychologist Wayne Oates on an analogy with alcohol dependence. Can you say that a person is addicted to work for hours dedicated to their jobs?
Symptoms of workaholism
Workaholism can be described with the following characteristics:
The person with this problem spends more time at work than is required by the circumstances. This implication is quantitative and qualitative, and in turn leads to an inability to develop other interests and neglect of leisure activities. Also, for these people, the value of work is also superior to the family and social relationships.
There is an obsessive need to work constantly, assuming more and more tasks and showing great anxiety to have control over how things are done.
greater attention to the work done is provided that the working environment and relationships with peers, being often poor communication and having difficulty trusting others, delegate tasks or to perform teamwork.
A person with workaholism also often shows traits like low self-esteem, perfectionism, impatience, fear of failure and seeking control, power and professional success.
People who suffer from this disorder find it very difficult to take time off or a holiday period and overwhelmed because they feel dissatisfaction at the lack of activities. During weekends often suffer states of high concern, tiredness and irritability, and often have difficulties in finalizing the working day and to relax and unwind after it, and to have fun.
Typically, this problem is usually not recognized by the sufferer.
The workaholic is someone who spends more time on his job as required, but beyond times, people who are unable to take time off because lack of work activity generates stress and burden are. It is usually not recognized by the worker, but is the family and circle of friends who see reduced their leisure time with the workaholic.
There are multiple risk factors and triggers addiction, such as ambition or family pressure, but often, after the excessive dedication, an escape from emotional problems marital or family shelter other personal problems and the need for hides social recognition of the work done.
Statistically speaking, studies show that higher percentage affects the male population.
Health Consequences
Generally, over time health problems (cardiovascular, digestive, muscular, anxiety, insomnia, etc.), unhappiness, dissatisfaction with life and a deteriorating quality of life and problems in interpersonal relationships (isolation are triggered, divorce) and lack of sense of humor. In addition, this disorder can lead to substance abuse to improve performance and overcome tiredness.
Unlike other addictions, it can spend more unnoticed by frequent social assessment and respectability of people heavily involved with their work and profession. However, the problem lies in the lack of control, dependency and the deterioration of relations and quality of life.
What to do about a problem like this?
- Achieve recognition and acceptance by the affected person there is a problem.
- Expand the focus of vision and realize that there are a lot of aspects in life to enjoy, not just work.
- Restoring the balance between hard work, personal, family and social life, taking care of all areas.
- Respect dedicated to working hours, not to exceed and avoid as far as possible take home assignments.
- Learning to trust and delegate projects to others.
- Seek professional help from a psychologist by the media if it is detected that self not able to overcome.
Workaholism addiction symptoms