Back to work in an office when your breasts are still breast-feeding is a more difficult deliciones they have to take women who have decided for Breastfeeding.
Some come to believe that they must stop giving the teat because no one has explained to them that they can continue with the LM still working. Others think that make milk more are going to go slowly. And many other myths more.
Fortunately it is not necessary or curdle milk nor has finished production because, just because mom out to work at an office. There are methods to keep breastfeeding even can be maintained exclusively in the case of mothers who have to leave their babies before six months and want to continue breastfeeding.
Of course, it requires perseverance and conviction that want to continue, because some women may feel that is sought to keep the LM.
Steps to make a milk bank
A month before your date of return to work you must start generating extra milk intake. The milk that you should not be storing the stomas that already have established your baby.
To generate an extra shot, you must wait about 1 hour or 1hr and 15 minutes after your baby has done its normal shooting, then take a glass of water and start the extraction of milk with either a manual or electric breast pump.
Do not be distressed if you leave early withdrawals little milk, it is normal, remember that you are training your body to produce an extra amount of which was used to producer. Therefore it is necessary to perseverance, because if you take off every day at the same time then your body must produce understood that this amount every day.
You can start with an extraction mid-morning and mid-afternoon, the first few days and then we can do so many extra shots as you like, as long as you do not take your baby to their divisions.
To make a milk bank I recommend using sterile bags (and sold well) and save 2 or 3 ounces in each bag.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you put the time of day you take out the milk, for when your baby will take the stored milk should be the oldest, not the most recent.
Breast milk should be thawed in a water bath and SIMPRE away from the flame of the stove. Preferably, the night before the milk down the freezer to the refrigerator and take it out early and put it in a place in your kitchen you will not get the sun or near the stove.
Should I stop breastfeeding if I return to work?