Sunday, April 10, 2016

Breast milk protects allergic children

An article published in the journal Pediatrics from the American Academy of Pediatrics in January 2008 returns us to enhance the value of breast milk to protect our babies from illness and allergies. The study shows that babies who are at high risk of atopic disease (eg, dermatitis, asthma and / or allergy to food) because of their family history (parents or siblings with the disease) can delay or even prevent disease if breastfed for at least four months.

The researchers also explain that high-risk infants using hypoallergenic formulas that do not contain the protein in cow's milk receive a similar effect. However, there are no studies showing that use formulas based on soy milk (or soy) have a preventive effect on these diseases.

Moreover, it is unknown whether the dietary restrictions mom can take during their pregnancy have any effect on preventing allergies. This contradicts the recommendations started doing in August 2000, when doctors advised them to expectant mothers with allergic history in their families, refrain from eating peanuts (or peanut).

Similarly, the researchers conclude that delaying the introduction of solid beyond food from 4 to 6 months has no effect in preventing or delay atopic diseases or allergies, nor has subjecting the baby to a specific diet when we started introducing solids.

Anyway, if you are allergic to your family or a history of allergies, ask your doctor to recommend you do to protect your baby either expecting a baby or in the first weeks of life.

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Breast milk protects allergic children
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