Sunday, April 10, 2016

Detox before pregnancy

If you're determined to have a child in the next few months, maybe you want to know why detox before starting to try can be extremely beneficial to both you and your baby.

More and more women and men have fertility problems and find it harder to conceive.

Undoubtedly, children born today come to a much more toxic world in which we were born, and certainly that of our parents and our grandparents. We live surrounded by pollutants in the air, soil and water, pesticides in food, inflammation retardants in clothing, very harmful chemicals in household cleaners and even in the products we use on skin and personal care. There is a study by the Environmental Working Group ( in ensures that babies are born "pre-polluted" with more than 200 chemicals in the body circulating in their blood.

Mercury, lead, parabens, bisphenol A and phthalates are just some of the toxic that affect both parents and baby.

Mercury damages the brain, nervous system, hormonal functions and are linked to symptoms such as inattention, fatigue and pain.

With Bisphenol effects include (but are not limited to): alterations in the development of the baby's nervous system, such as thyroid function and brain growth, changes in behavior (such as hyperactivity), and changes in development normal prostate.

Parabens are found in almost all cosmetic and have a similar effect to BPA on the endocrine system.

Phthalates are associated with low birth weight, asthma, premature puberty, low sperm production and abnormal genital risk of childhood obesity and autism.

Doctors do not usually ask for analysis of levels of toxicity or nutrient levels in the body, the truth is that the more clean and nourished you are, your child will warrant a much healthier start. In addition you decrease the risk that you and your baby develop a complication in the months of gestation at birth and after birth months.

Doing a detox is not a cakewalk. There are thousands of publications that offer detox in three days or a week and, if they are not well designed plans can create you a serious imbalance in the body. It is very important to try to do it with a professional such as a Health Coach or a qualified nutritionist to guide you. That person, in addition to helping detox, should guarantee optimal nutrition for pre-conception, as a guide to get rid of many of the toxic products we use every day and help you replace them. In addition you can teach improve your habits in general and also detox feelings and stressors that can affect you during pregnancy.

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Detox before pregnancy
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