The hypothesis that the nap can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease was proposed on the basis of evidence indicating that countries where this habit is common (Mediterranean area and some countries in Latin America) had also low rates of mortality from the disease coronary arteries of the heart.
The authors of this study -Siesta in healthy adults and coronary mortality in the general population evaluate the association between nap and coronary mortality in a group of adults that has been measured in detail habitual physical activity, has verified the comorbidity or presence of other diseases at the time the study began, and have determined the risk factors for coronary mortality, including diet. Thus they assess the association between nap and coronary mortality among men separately workers (young and healthy) and between retirees and men who did not work.
They were studied over 23,000 people over a mean follow-up period of 6 years.
The results showed that men who took naps after lunch had a 34% less likely to die from cardiac causes than those without the sleep. Among those who napped occasionally, the risk reduction was 12%, while those who slept at least three times a week for at least half an hour, the reduction in cardiovascular risk was 37%.
The authors note that, in view of these findings, the nap was associated with a lower risk of dying of heart. This inverse association, ie, protective, was more evident in men and in women only marginal. The association was greater in men workers, and weak and not significant in retirees. The researchers interpret their findings as indicating that in healthy adults siesta, possibly acting through a relaxation of stress, may reduce coronary mortality.
The authors conclude that the siesta, in apparently healthy individuals and particularly those working men, are inversely associated (provides protection) with coronary mortality after controlling for other factors that may interfere with the results, diet and physical activity. And they note that these findings are of great importance, because the siesta is a very common practice in many parts of the world and especially in the Mediterranean and Central American countries.
Nap can reduce the risk of disease in the coronary arteries