Monday, April 18, 2016

Mijo, a good alternative to pasta and rice

Millet is an ancient grain widely consumed in Africa, in some countries of Asia, and in parts of India, being in these areas an important energy ingredient of daily diet. In other countries like Spain consumption it is more casual, and even is a great unknown in many homes. Millet consists of small grains of neutral flavor and easy digestibility, depending on the variety, can be dark brown white, light brown or.

What are the nutritional properties of millet?

Millet is a food with a high nutritional value, and as a source of carbohydrates (74%) very good alternative to pasta and rice of our daily diet, also having a caloric content like. As in the rice starch is the main storage form of carbohydrates.

The second major nutrient is protein, which represents between 11-13% of its weight, but to be plant has a limiting amino acid, and therefore, it is appropriate to combine in one meal with other foods such as legumes for a more complete and higher biological value protein, important in vegetarian diets appearance.

This cereal contains vitamin B complex, the most notorious B1, B2 and B9, as a whole important for energy metabolism and nervous system. His contribution to mineral level stands by iron and magnesium (essential element in the generation and transmission of nerve impulses, muscle and heart contraction) and to a lesser amount, potassium and zinc.

For good nutritional profile it is highly recommended to include in our usual diet food. And besides, it does not contain gluten it can be eaten in cases of celiac disease.

How can you consume?

Millet can be taken in many ways, and in the countries of origin, with him pancakes, porridge, breads, biscuits, fermented beverages, either alone or in combination with other cereals are made. Its mild flavor gives you a lot of versatility in the kitchen, can be combined with a variety of foods and allowing produce nutritious recipes as soups, stir-fried with vegetables, meat or fish. But, in addition, millet also be used as a base for vegetarian burgers.

Health Recipe: Sauteed prawns with vegetables and millet

Ingredients for 4 people:
  • 250 g of millet
  • 1 carrot
  • 200 g of pumpkin
  • 1 onion
  • 150 g of peeled shrimp
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Salt

Millet soak a few minutes, and cook. Once you are at the point, strain and set aside. Cut the vegetables into cubes and saute in a pan with oil preheated. Follow this order: first add the onion, salt and then, once golden, add the carrot and pumpkin. When they start to be slightly soft, set aside and reserve. In the same skillet saute the shrimp with garlic. And once they are well-done, add the vegetables, millet, and saute all together. Add soy sauce to give the final touch.

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Mijo, a good alternative to pasta and rice
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