Sunday, April 3, 2016

Dysphonia - Caring for the voice and throat

Dysphonias are loss of voice timbre by affecting the vocal cords and larynx due to organic and functional causes. 5% of the Spanish population suffers some voice disorder requiring intervention specialist or otolaryngologist.

The vocal hyperfunction has its cause in pathologies such as nodules vocal cord polyp or vocal cord edema. It is necessary to make an exploration of the larynx in all dysphonia lasting more than 15 days, if there is smoking or a swelling of the vocal cord.

Types of dysphonia

Dysphonias children may be due to congenital malformations such as laryngeal membranes, angiomas and other causes.

At older ages laryngeal papillomas caused by a viral infection can appear as the child speaks a vowel alterations due to overactivity are presented. It can also start spastic dysphonia a neurological disorder laryngeal originating from Parkinson's disease or myasthenia gravis among other and leads to spasms of the voice.

endocrinological causes of speech disorders such as hypothyroidism and myxedema climacteric changes are known.

Functional dysphonia are speech disorders without anatomical damage to the phonatory organs. They can be disfonías by vocal abuse as excessive talking, screaming, yelling, excessive throat clearing and too much cough, forced vocalizations, singing with improper technique, inhalation of dust, fumes and noxious gases, misuse of breath, extreme temperatures ingestion of hot or cold drinks and emotional or nervous issues.

Dysphonias by vocal misuse occur for speaking with an intensity or tone corresponding highest.

The fonoponis together produce abuse and vocal misuse that occurs primarily teachers.

Childhood dysphonia are produced by a vocal misuse. They are including hyperkinetic dysphonia, caused by poor muscle tone and hyperkinetic dysphonia throat, caused by increased muscle tone laryngeal known.

Functional dysphonia should be treated by a speech therapist.

Symptoms and treatment of dysphonia

The most common symptoms are hoarseness, monótoma voice quavering voice, episodes of hoarseness, variations in intensity, frequent loss of acute or feeling shortness of Fonar and may also have a cough, itching, use of cough to clear voice , swallowing strange sensation and mild to moderate pain in the throat when speaking body.

Most can be treated with dysphonia voice rest and changing bad habits in vocal and rehabilitation use by a speech therapist.

Nodules and swelling of the vocal cords can be treated with specific drugs and speech therapy and persist in the case of surgical removal is necessary.

The vocal cord polyp has as surgical removal treatment and then her speech therapy treatment.

Gastroesophageal reflux and the extraesophageal are factors alone can aggravate dysphonia; emotional factors can also aggravate the voice.

Decalogue for voice care

1. Avoid ambient noise because it leads us to speak at a higher pitch we can. If pollution and internal irritation adds, given the worst circumstances to exercise speech.

2. Do not talk over our possibilities: when these limits are exceeded dysphonia and vocal predisposition to diseases appear appears. You can talk about four hours a day and sing two.

3. To speak little if laryngitis.

4. Avoid snuff and irritation, causing dry.

5. Maintain good hydration because the vocal cords must be lubricated with a layer of mucus.

6. Get enough sleep and avoid shouting and psychological stresses.

7. Avoid throat clearing and coughing not hard. Should breathe as deeply as possible.

8. Good balanced diet and physical exercise

Diet to combat dysphonias

Diet to fight laryngitis that trigger dysphonia should be rich in vitamin A because it protects and relieves the mucosa of the larynx with carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, spinach and chard.

The omega 3 fatty acids present in oily fish and nuts exert an anti-inflammatory effect that protects the throat and voice.

It is also good to eat foods with great antiseptic antibiotics such as garlic and onions, which help us overcome infections.

It is beneficial to consume vegetables rich in mucilage with softening and regenerative properties. Among the highlights borage vegetables, zucchini, celery and green beans.

8 natural remedies to soothe the throat

These natural remedies with herbal medicine, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial using antitussive power plants are very useful to soothe the throat.

It is an ideal food for the vocal cords because it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. It can be eaten fresh, dried, confit and hot tea that helps eliminate mucus and toxins.

Antibacterial syrup brown sugar and onion
2 boil the onions with a pint of water for twenty minutes and the remaining liquid we add 2-3 tablespoons of brown sugar for Irlo taking sips throughout the day.

Infusion of thyme
The infusion of thyme along with the juice of half a lemon and sweetened with honey is ideal for gargling.

Propolis is a natural antibiotic that should be taken with hot water.

Infusions of sage, plantain, mallow and marshmallow
They are all mucosal repair plants with emollient or softening and anti-inflammatory.

Mixture of olive oil, honey and lemon
a teaspoon of olive oil, one lemon and two of honey are mixed.

This is an excellent plant that voice softens and brightens the throat.

And helps expectorate airway inflammation.

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Dysphonia - Caring for the voice and throat
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