Did you know that chia seeds help you to combat physical fatigue and bring you extra energy? Thanks to its versatility you can include them in sweet and savory recipes.
Chia seeds have become quite popular around the world since it healthy for the body are revealed.
Today is categorized as a "superfood" and millions of people are consuming continuously to benefit from its nutrients.
And, although not enough, these little seeds contain a significant amount of high quality protein, three times more iron than spinach, twice the potassium than a banana and a high level of fiber.
They are also vegetable source of omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and other substances that promote fat removal.
Another advantage is that its slightly nutty flavor allows inclusion in many recipes to make consumption easier.
This time we want to share 6 good ideas for eating chia seeds more often and achieve extra energy. Enjoy them!
1. Energy Milkshake with chia seeds
Energy shakes are very healthy ways to improve physical and mental performance when you feel tired feeling.
In this case we propose one banana, spinach and chia seeds, which relieves fatigue as he provides fiber, protein and other nutrients to the body.
- 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (10 g)
- 1 banana
- 1 handful of spinach
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder (20 g)
- 1 cup almond milk (250 ml)
- It incorporates all ingredients in the blender and whisk at top speed until blended.
- Serve immediately and consume it.
- Take it whenever you want to improve your performance.
2. Tortillas
Delicious tortillas with chia seeds are an excellent choice to satisfy hunger between meals or as part of breakfast.
They can be prepared sweet or savory, and they can add other foods such as cheese, ham or whatever you can think of.
- 1 ½ cup whole wheat flour (165 g)
- 1 ½ tablespoon ground flaxseed (15 g)
- 2 tablespoons chia seeds (20 g)
- ¼ teaspoon baking powder (1.2 g)
- 1 tablespoon olive oil (14 g)
- 5 tablespoons water (50 ml)
- It incorporates all ingredients in a bowl and mix well until thick and firm consistency.
- Separate dough into 5 pairs of balls and flatten them with the aid of a roller.
- Heat a skillet over low heat and place the tortillas about 2 or 3 minutes on each side to brown.
- Serve with whatever you prefer.
3. Strawberry ice cream and chia seeds
A very healthy and delicious way to enjoy ice cream is preparing a homemade low-fat ingredients and sugars.
- 1 cup strawberries (170 g)
- 1 and ½ cup coconut milk (300 ml)
- 2 tablespoons chia seeds (20 g)
- Wash the strawberries and carry them to the blender with coconut milk and chia seeds.
- Processed to a more or less homogeneous mixture.
- Pour the batter into a baking pan or ice cream in the freezer and leave for the time necessary.
4. Cookies
If you want a snack rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, try not to let the next cookie recipe chia.
- ½ cup of chia seeds (60 g)
- ½ cup sesame seeds (60 g)
- ½ cup pumpkin seeds (60 g)
- ½ cup sunflower seeds (60 g)
- 1 cup water (250 ml)
- It combines all the seeds with a cup of water and bake in the oven at 170 ° C for 30 minutes.
- Make sure they are well crisp and golden.
5. With yogurt or oatmeal
For its pleasant taste and texture, chia seeds can be added to complement the properties of foods such as yogurt or oatmeal.
These give an "extra" protein, healthy fats and energy to improve their effects on breakfast.
6. As a substitute for eggs
People who have made the decision to dispense with all foods of animal origin have in chia seeds a good substitute for eggs.
This gave his high protein, healthy fats and vitamins to replace those that provide such food.
- 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (10 g)
- 6 tablespoons water (60 ml)
- Soak a tablespoon of chia seeds in water and let stand for 10 minutes.
- After this time you'll get some seeds of gelatinous consistency with which you can replace the egg in various recipes.
As you may notice, it is very easy to incorporate chia seeds in regular diet to enjoy each of their properties.
Dare to prepare these recipes and checks that are excellent choices to delight the palate without breaking the diet.
6 Wonderful ideas to include chia seeds in your diet