The health and wellness programs in the workplace should be an integral part of the overall strategy of the company to promote a healthy workplace. The legislation on health and safety policies in the country can serve as a starting point for the development of health and well-being of an organization. Also we can begin assessing security risks that the company, although minimal, to take the necessary measures to prevent and avoid them.
Key Elements
When planning a program we must not forget that there are key elements for success: provision, promotion and incentives.
Like any project we need to be very specific and honest with what we expect from our program. Before implementing the following steps:
- Prepare your agenda to destine time to the program. The will and willingness both to learn how to report, are essential.
- Know your employees' concerns regarding their health by applying a survey or interviewing.
- Enlist your goals. What do you expect from the program?
- Make a promotional campaign, choose an amused tone.
- It is also recommended to create a health committee composed of enthusiastic employees and managers who can manage and promote the program.
- Consider a goal for the entire company.
Know your people
For an advertising campaign work, a previous study on the needs and preferences of the target audience is made. To better meet your employees you can do many things:
- Individual interview. If few employees you can talk with each of them.
- Print or online survey.
- Mailboxes for suggestions.
- Meetings to brainstorm.
- Detects form groups or teams. It is very common that cells are formed based on the activity they perform, the space they occupy and preferences in common.
- Appoints equipment for them to compete, build a points system in which you can reward those who have accumulated the most according to their participation.
Once you know the concerns of your employees you can make clearer decisions about what to do, set goals short and long term, fixed dates of beginning and end, consider ways to support the interest in the program, identify resources (time, money, people, etc.) and organizes activities with clear objectives.
Invents a name for your program, choose one that attracts attention and invited to participate. An excellent measure is the CEO of the company is who convene entire workforce, for it can make an inaugural event where a short speech explaining the purpose of it or send a letter signed by him. The strategy is to lead by example.
When you talk of the program, do it clearly and briefly but I know forceful and convincing. Use videos or presentations that already exist and you can find on the internet, to raise the awareness about health and adopt healthy habits.
To publicize your program uses, firstly, the resources of your company:
- Intranet to send newsletters
- Spaces for pasting notices
- Posters, brochures and flyers
- Kiosks, reception, common areas to distribute information
- Detect the champions of health to spread his attitude to others (people who are already doing something to improve or maintain healthy lifestyle habits, such as athletes, vegetarians, lovers of yoga, dance, or just those with wood leaders very easily sympathize with others and are very popular in the company).
- and especially the formal adoption of company policies that prioritize the importance of implementing a health program in the workplace.
The success of your program will depend largely on how much you manage to motivate your human capital and thus the participation rate you get. Do not try to cover all areas in the first attempt. It gives short but sure steps and remember the words of Albert Einstein "Setting an example is not the main way to influence others; it's the only way".
Workplace health and wellness programs