Monday, March 21, 2016

7 Companies with incredible wellness programs

7 companies with incredible wellness programs - When we talk about a company concerned with the happiness of their employees, usually they come to mind practices related to promote balance between family life and professional performance, creative programs to encourage holiday travel, flexible hours, a fabulous office, and if we look a little more deeply, policies gender equity, parental leave and other responsible practices; but the truth is that corporate welfare is more closely linked to the way companies choose to worry about the health and welfare of its employees, as it is the latter that has a greater influence on their productivity.

That is why an increasing number of organizations adds to the implementation of agreements with sports facilities and hiring doctors to provide basic health services to their employees in order to reduce the rate of absenteeism. However, in some other companies comprehensive corporate wellness programs have managed to go a step further becoming true examples globally.

Far from imposing a healthy lifestyle to collaborate within the organization, these programs are aimed at creating a culture in which workers choose to adopt really healthy habits voluntarily and share their experiences forming support networks that will facilitate the process and motivate them to move forward.

The portal Mashable, has generated a list of companies that excel in corporate wellness programs, but not before noting that this has contributed to reducing medical costs and reducing sick days off. Want to know what firms were selected?

1. Fitbit

In addition to having its own internal corporate wellness program, the company also leverages its level of influence to help other companies create their own initiatives and manage their programs. "We work with our clients to build a solution that meets their needs," said Amy McDonough, CEO of Fitbit Wellness.

Wellness Fitbit works with thirty of the Fortune 500 companies in creating their wellness initiatives. In general, companies use rewards programs or skills as the main motivator for their employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle, so you can use a dashboard created by Fitbit in order to track your calories burned, routines training and sleep, among other things.

BP for example, it has executed a challenge of a million steps where employees come to the brand over a year are eligible to extend their health plan; while another company held the World Cup challenging his team to walk a distance comparable to its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, that is about 5547 miles per day.

According to Fitbit, your company does not need a big budget to create exciting incentives, small rewards can motivate their employees to go a long way. Offer a dress down day, or make a donation to the winner selected by the cause, it can be a great strategy.

Internally, the company has implemented training Wednesday, a day dedicated to performing various training programs and course uses your product through creating challenges quarterly steps.

2. Houston Methodist

As a Houston Methodist Medical Center knows the importance of maintaining the health of their patients and colleagues, so last year he met FitBit steps to create challenges and provide their workers counting devices. In addition to this important alliance, center employees can access biometric test in order to customize their welfare programs and tailor them to the specific needs of your body.

A platform created by Fitbit enables all center staff communicate and share the achievements with your team and interact to stimulate competitiveness, so in addition to improving the health of workers also helps to improve the climate organizational.

3. Google

How could the technology giant left out of the conversation when talking about incredible wellness programs? Mountain View campus has slide, table tennis and LEGO stations. Employees can shower, swim and even receive massages on site.

But besides the attractive amenities that the technology company offers its employees, Google has also invested large amounts of money on initiatives to improve the health of their workers based on special investigations, whose results should implement sustainable techniques in the design of your instalations.

Who collaborate with the leading Internet search, they also have access to a unique system of learning called Googlers-to-Googlers, in which company employees give classes to other team members on topics ranging from management and management of speaking in public, to sports, arts and aging.

4. Motley Fool

Free spinning classes, bootcamps, massages and other benefits for their health and physical activity make Motley Fool an incredible place to work.

One of the keys to achieve this is to ensure that welfare systems work towards the integration of workers both within his team, as interdepartamento.

Wellness director Sam Whiteside told that month after month, a different challenge is created to motivate their employees. "April was called" April On "and the objective was to merge a meeting up with physical activity. As a result, people and did pushups he walked inside the facilities (...) It is making every month something different, "he said.

In addition, workers have access to personalized training sessions where they can discuss their personal goals. In case of choosing a race or competition, Fool provides 50% of the cost as reimbursement.

5. Earth Friendly Products

As a friendly company with the environment, Earth Friendly Products has strived to engage in depth with social responsibility integrating health programs and caring for the welfare of its employees, who have access to organic garden facilities to grow their own fruits and vegetables.

In addition, the company offers financial incentives for employees who wish to change their car by one friendlier to the environment, or seek alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint. On the other hand, through its RE-Parts initiative, staff members can exchange clothes and household items.

6. Zappos

This shoe retailer online has become very popular around the world thanks to its decision to remove the hierarchies of organizational system. But also make their employees are fired from their bosses is not the biggest success of the company as regards its collaborators; memberships in sports facilities, nap rooms and reimbursements for marathons are some additional benefits that demonstrate its commitment to wellness.

For wellness coordinator Kelly Maher, this commitment means to encourage healthy habits among employees of the company, however, it is something they should take at will. "We see that people do not take care of your body. Our exercise programs are designed to break the paradigm that meet stereotypes is the only way to feel good, "he said.

7. Draper, Inc

Considered the place of healthier work in the United States by Healthiest Employers LLC, the company based in Indiana is proud of its welfare programs; same that led them to open their own park in 2008 with workout stations, tennis and volleyball and the publication of his newsletter "Superheroes Welfare"

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7 Companies with incredible wellness programs
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1 komentar:

March 22, 2016 at 12:48 AM Delete

[…] companies as well as small and medium enterprises, wellness programs help to increase the level of job satisfaction. Having healthier employees help the company rein in […]
