Sunday, March 27, 2016

When are sports drinks appropriate for hydration


These are optimum conditions for sports a temperature around 17 to 20 degrees centigrade and a relative humidity below 60 percent. However, many training programs or competition develop in very distant conditions optimal, so the body is forced to perspire lot of sweat whose function balance body temperature, to lower its internal temperature and to continue holding the effort. But sweat besides water it contains dissolved minerals vital mainly sodium, potassium and chlorine, magnesium and zinc. It is evident that the use of a beverage containing these dissolved minerals will be beneficial to improve athletic performance.

The amount and type of fluid that the athlete need to take to compensate for the loss of water and electrolytes depends on the duration and intensity of exercise and weather conditions (temperature and relative humidity).
Sports drinks have common components: water, simple carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, glucose) or complex (glucose polymers, maltodextrins) and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium). Some brands include vitamins additives and colorings, flavorings and sweeteners. The difference between one and the other lies mainly in the degree of concentration of its components. Therefore, in addition to hypertonic drinks, there are different types of beverages:

Hypotonic drinks.

Have a concentration of solutes (dissolved substances in the liquid) less than that of blood plasma, ie, they are less concentrated than plasma. In these drinks particle concentration per unit volume is less than that of blood plasma (low osmotic pressure). Water is the best example of hypotonic drink, except the very rich in salts. In general, after moderate exercise lasting less than an hour you do not need an extra intake of electrolytes; It is enough to simply drink water before, during and after exercise to ensure adequate hydration. The water, in combination with a balanced diet, and provides the body with sufficient hydration and electrolyte levels needed.

Isotonic drinks.

They have an equal solute concentration to plasma. This type of drinks containing sugars and electrolytes to the same osmotic pressure as blood (330 mOsm / liter). When two solutions having the same pressure are said to be isosmotic or isotonic. For this reason, the fluid leaves the stomach, passes into the intestine where it is absorbed and then goes into the bloodstream without difficulty, which favors rapid and optimum assimilation of its components. If exercise is intense, the atmosphere is warm or sweat a lot, drink an isotonic drink helps replenish fluids, electrolytes (especially sodium and chlorine) and energy (glucose), lost during exercise.

It helps delay fatigue, prevent heat injury (cramps and syncope), improve performance and speed recovery. Sports drinks also serve to accelerate recovery in case of diarrhea, since being similar to his oral rehydration salts, sold in pharmacies, and for its pleasant taste usually better tolerated composition. They can become the best way to drink liquids for those who are reluctant to drink water alone, as children and the elderly.

These beverages have a specially designed to easily replace water composition, and other mineral salts lost during exercise testing substances.

Commercial beverages and water containing varying amounts of salt complexes (sodium chloride), potassium, small amounts of magnesium, calcium and simple sugars (dextrose, sucrose, glucose or fructose) and (starch and maltodextrin). It has been shown that isotonic drinks with 10% maltodextrins, are better than those employing other in proportion sugars such as glucose, sucrose or sucrose or glucose polymers, in this case 20%. Beverages employing maltodextrins are better digested, have lower osmolarity than including glucose (high osmolarity, draws water passing through the instestino, which can cause watery diarrhea) and provide less satiety to be less sweet I sumunistrar allowing more liquid and ensure adequate hydration of the sportsman.

The sugar content is usually around 60-70 grams per liter, about half that soft drinks. The advantage of such preparations is the rapid replacement of lost electrolytes. The optimum temperature for ingesting these drinks is between 9 and 15 degrees Celsius.

Not all trademarks are equal and some have drawbacks such as the addition of chemical sweeteners, including aspartame, which has the ability to increase thirst.

The big news that present some of these drinks is in its low osmolarity (low concentration of particles: mineral salts, glucose ... in a liquid solution) and the chemical form in which they are mineral salts, in compliance with European standards sports hydration.

Potassium and magnesium are in the form of aspartate, innovation worldwide in the introduction of such salts in an energy drink.

Its scientific basis is as follows: there are many observations show that in human skeletal muscle (voluntary contraction) there is an active transport mechanism of an amino acid (simplest component of proteins) called glutamic acid and this amino acid can control metabolism muscle protein anabolism favoring, ie synthesis and muscle building.

Glutamic acid is obtained by complex metabolic reactions from aspartic acid, so administering magnesium potassium aspartate and aspartate, is provided potassium, magnesium and aspartic acid becomes within our organism in glutamic acid searched simultaneously. In this way, it will slow in part protein loss of muscle tissue caused by training and / or professional competition. Simultaneously, this form of administration potassium makes it not so irritating to the gastric mucosa as potassium chloride traditional, used by many commercial brands of energy drinks.

Another novelty presented some trademarks of sports drinks is that they employ in their formulation zinc. Numerous analytical studies sweat demonstrate a significant loss of the mineral during intense sports, so it must be replenished as soon as possible.

Hypertonic beverages.

They have a higher solute concentration than the plasma.

The amount and type of beverage required depends on the duration and intensity of exercise and weather conditions

Drinks designed especially for physical exercise have some components in common; water, carbohydrates and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, phosphorus and chlorine). Hypertonic beverages have a high concentration of dissolved substances in the liquid, namely its concentration is higher than 10%. Because of this feature, the body releases water to dilute this liquid ingested until it becomes isotonic, that is, the same concentration of the plasma.

As a result of organic secretion of water, the athlete may suffer gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and vomiting, favoring dehydration with serious results. Therefore, hypertonic drinks are not advised in situations where it is very hot or sportsman sweat excessively.

When sweat loss is not high and therefore do not need to drink plenty of fluids, but it has to provide energy as carbohydrates, hypertonic drinks themselves are an appropriate option. If in this situation, instead of taking a hypertonic drink, the athlete opts for an isotonic or hypotonic (concentrations of less than 6%, such as water), not getting enough carbohydrates and risks suffering a slut.

Therefore, situations in which the intake of hypertonic beverage is recommended are those in which is performed a prolonged low temperature exercise not sweat excessively, and does not require excessive intake of liquid, but of carbohydrates to compensate for energy expenditure.

Stimulating drinks

The so-called energy drinks, bottled or canned mixtures containing caffeine, plant extracts, sugar and other substances, are reaching high sales levels between youth and adults. All have in common the caffeine content, protein or other alkaloids with stimulating properties.

There are those who consume them to "stay awake." is also widespread among students, the custom of eating them at exam time to "concentrate better." Even some athletes say that these beverages increase performance. However, experts do not consider them as harmless as claimed by their manufacturers.

The energy drink is defined as "a drink used to provide high level of energy from carbohydrates (also fats and proteins) to the body. This drink does not attempt to compensate for the loss of water and minerals due to physical activity. " However, the energy term used in the name and description of some products currently on the market refers to a pharmacological effect of some active substances and not to the provision of calories of nutrients. This can create confusion among consumers.

In the absence of further research, we recommend moderate consumption of energy drinks, do not mix with alcohol and drink water to avoid dehydration

Caffeine is a strong, bitter and soluble substance. Contrary to popular belief, caffeine is found not only in coffee, but many other products containing it, such as cola, tea, mate, chocolate and guarana, so that this component is very accessible .

At moderate doses, caffeine produces pleasurable effects on the body. It is a cardiovascular tonic, leading to a broader and stronger pulse and a temporary increase in blood pressure, it acts on the nervous system, which facilitates mental and muscular activity. These effects can be seen as beneficial, but easily can become major disturbances (anxiety, excitement, insomnia, delirium, hallucinations and tremors) when consumption increases significantly.

In those less accustomed to caffeine individuals (those who do not drink coffee, tea, cola, etc.), takes place an increase of metabolic rate and breathing at rest, and the plasma level of free fatty acids both at rest and exercise; on the contrary these effects are minimized in subjects taking caffeine regularly. The main mechanism of action of caffeine that occurs after eating a few cups of coffee is related to the antagonism of caffeine respect of adenosine receptors. Caffeine also increases production of catecholamines in plasma that allow the body adapt to the stress caused by exercise. Catecholamine production is likely to result, in turn, greater availability of free fatty acids as substrates muscle during exercise, so preserving glycogen. Caffeine can increase the capacity of muscle contraction, has no ergogenic effects in intense exercise of short duration, but may slow exhaustion. Caffeine also improves performance and endurance during prolonged activity medium-high intensity.

Caffeine is not the only concern. Some researchers are worried about the emergence of new beverages containing stimulants such as ginseng, guarana, taurine or ephedrine. We must not forget that mixing caffeine with the latter can cause cardiovascular problems. It should also be aware that some products with these features have a high amount of taurine (an amino acid), whose long-term effects have not been studied so far.

Moreover, against those who argue that these products are not harmful if the body is well hydrated, no shortage of voices who claim that the combination of these drinks with alcohol is an explosive cocktail of delayed effects to the organism, since it involves mixing stimulating the nervous system depressants

How to prepare homemade isotonic drink?

Sodium bicarbonate 500 mg.
500 mg salt.
60 g sugar. (3 tablespoons)
Lemon juice (or orange) 2 pcs
Water 1 liter
If you can not weigh 500 mg of salt and baking soda, equivalent to empty blister aspirin.
Ideally, prepare an hour before consuming it, but as sometimes is not easy, prepare it just before leaving, to prevent loss of quality.

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