Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The keys that will help you lose weight serenely

When our goal is to lose weight and improve our fitness, frequently it happens that we miss obstacles that have the power to discourage us and take away the initial enthusiasm.

We started with the right foot, with great courage, confidence and joy, but then we get carried away by the excesses for a weekend, a holiday, a holiday or a family meal; the next day we felt swollen and it seems that all the efforts made so far have not helped.

So we let go little by little getting lost in the old spiral that has trapped us.

I have spent many years of my life in continuous conflict with food, fighting and living with this guilt for having eaten too much or wrong, for having gained weight or just for having failed to respect the limits.

But who defines the limits? In my case were self-demands, the expectations of the society in which we live, which values ​​a nice body more than a brilliant mind and a big heart, and the pursuit of a perfection that does not exist.

Only when I learned to accept myself then I learned to love myself for who I am, outside and inside.

It is only accepting ourselves we can respect each other, and from there ourselVes and improve ourselves.

Eating is one of the great pleasures of life and at the same time, is one of the most direct ways we have to take care of our bodies.

Is it possible to lose weight serene, easy and fun way?

The answer is yes.

9 Guidelines Slimming

In this article I will give you some guidelines COACHING NUTRITIONAL so you can manage food excesses and learn to incorporate habits to transform your meals at times to take care and love you more.

1. Eat consciously

Many times we eat automatically, little conscious, distracting us with other activities (talking, television, thoughts).

Learn to eat slowly, savoring every bite; chews many times and leaves the fork down between mouthfuls. No rush to finish the meal you have at home, the only important thing is to enjoy what you're eating.

Take your time, look at the texture of the food in your mouth, taste and enjoy it until the end.

2. Choose your food and filled the plate only once

Almost always, when we eat out, whether at a wedding or a meal with friends, there are so many things to choose from on the table entering anxiety we try everything. Choose only the food you really like, you're really wanting to eat.

Fill your plate with a little of each.

Often we eat more than necessary because we continue filling the plate and more times.

Fill your plate once and eat consciously enjoying what you've chosen for you.

3. Manage what you drink

Most of the time, besides the food, uncontrolled factor is the drink.

Look at quality rather than quantity. For example, if you're a wine lover, treat yourself to a special one you do not normally drink every day and fully enjoy it. Have a drink and accompanies the rest of the meal with a few glasses of water: will help you not exceed alcohol and soft drinks and give you a quick feeling of satiety.

4. Learn how to combine food

When we eat out, often they tend to eat very fatty and high calorie foods. Accompany always fiber (vegetables and whole grains) to slow its absorption and avoid peak insulin. If you get insulin levels in your blood will not increase suddenly, you get while preventing fat from accumulating.

For example, always accompanies a meat dish with a nice salad or a little pasta with seasoned vegetables. If you can, at home always choose whole foods.

5. Controls dressings

If we are eating out in a restaurant or at friends, we can not control the quantities of oil that have been used for cooking or for seasoning food. What we can do is compensate.

For example, if we eat out at noon, at night using little oil and compensate by eating plant foods.

6. Listen to yourself

Many times our physical body craves certain foods us regarding our physiological state. Other times, it is our emotional body that asks us something and often confuse your voice with the physical body.

When are the emotions that speak and not our body, it is important to learn to recognize this voice, recognize the emotion and welcome. Our emotional body has no mouth and does not eat food.

How many times have we consume chocolate feel sad and seeking solace, trying to fill an empty feeling or wanting to evade our concerns?

Learn to listen to become aware of how you feel and what it is you really need.

7. Incorporate new habits to take care

Make today list of 3 things you can do each day to take care of you, love you and respect you.

Can be things related to your body (for example, walking 30 minutes every day, eat healthier way) or something related to your mental or spiritual part (listen to your favorite music, meditate every 15 minutes).

Today Choose your new habits to learn to take care of yourself!

8. Depurate

Take habits to help purify your body and then feel better, full of strength and energy.

When you wake up, fasting, drink a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon.

Lemon, apart from increasing your defenses by the intake of vitamin C, has a purifying effect on the liver and intestine.

In the evening or afternoon, have a cup of tea Bancha.

It is very rich quality green tea of ​​minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) and has a low concentration of protein. It also has a diuretic, antioxidant effect and tends to lower cholesterol levels.

You can let infuse few pieces of fresh ginger, optimal anti-inflammatory and purifying natural.

9. Move

Are you waiting to start the new year to sign up to the gym or to start making sport? Start now!

No need training to make the IRON MAN, just enough to start moving in your day to day.

Start climbing the stairs rather than the elevator, take a walk in the afternoon in the park that is next to your home or in the middle.

If you have the possibility of going to the gym, find a class you like.

The key is to enjoy doing something that makes us feel good, comfortable with ourselves and, therefore, with others.

Learning to take care of yourself is the most beautiful and enriching you can learn to do ... Enjoy!

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1 komentar:

April 16, 2016 at 9:03 AM Delete

[…] risk factors rather than demonstrated: age, consumption of snuff, diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight and obesity, family history, hypertension, excessive waist circumference and physical […]
