Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Signs of Dementia to Be Aware Of

Dementia isn’t a symptom, but rather a number of symptoms that when seen together lead to a diagnosis of dementia. Symptoms range from personality changes to memory loss and are the result of trauma or disease of the brain. This condition isn’t part of the aging process and can interfere with independence, relationships and daily living. Family members will notice a decline in learning, problem solving, remembering and communication. The changes may be very gradual or occur suddenly. Either way, medical care needs to be sought as Dementia care in Windsor may be needed and can be of great help. Home care and other senior care options are also available.

One thing families need to be aware of is the progression and outcome of this disease does vary from person to person. Medical professionals are needed to determine which type of dementia the person is suffering from and which section of the brain has been affected. A number of things will be done to determine this, including clinical examinations, diagnostic testing and advanced brain imaging. What are some common signs of this disease which loved ones should be looking for in seniors?

Common signs and symptoms include memory loss and impaired judgement. The person may show faulty reasoning when coming to a decision or engage in behavior that is not appropriate. Abstract thinking often becomes difficult for patients suffering from dementia and they may lose communication skills. For some, the first sign of problems is when the person develops balance, motor or gait problems while others neglect daily grooming and bathing. Often those with dementia will ignore their own personal safety. Some families first notice a problem when their loved one becomes disoriented in terms of place or time. Agitation, paranoia and hallucinations have been reported in patients suffering from dementia.

A family member may first notice their loved one repeatedly asks the same question over and over again. They may no longer be able to follow directions as they used to or find it difficult to complete routine tasks such as bill paying. Personal safety, nutrition and hygiene may be neglected and the person may no longer recognize familiar faces or become confused as to who is who. Disorientation is not uncommon with this disease and may involve familiar places or be related to time and dates.
If any symptoms of dementia are seen, medical care should be sought as soon as possible. Although some instances of dementia are not treatable, others are. Doctors do a thorough examination to determine what is leading to the appearance of symptoms and what treatments may be of help. The sooner help is sought, the more treatment options will be available.

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Signs of Dementia to Be Aware Of
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