There are many people that are trying hard to lose weight and often
there are questions that come to mind. If you have questions about
losing weight then read on to find the answers. Following are several of
the most frequently asked questions having to do with weight loss and
Weight Loss FAQ1: What should my weight be?
Remember that every person is different so beware of following health
charts that you find. Usually you can find the best answer to this
question by asking your doctor. Your BMI (body mass index) is actually
more important than just your weight.
Weight Loss FAQ2: What diet will help me lose the most weight?
There is no one diet that will be the best for losing weight. You need
to be sure that you eat a healthy diet and also be sure that you are
eating fewer calories than your body burns daily if you want to lose
Weight Loss FAQ3: What is the best weight to keep off weight?
It is important to lose your weight slowly. About one to two pounds a
week is usually best and those that lose weight slowly have a better
chance of it off. If you make changes in the way you eat and exercise
you will build a long-term plan that can help you keep weight off for
the rest of your life.
Weight Loss FAQ4: Is obesity related to diabetes?
Obesity can be related to diabetes. Obesity has been proven to increase
the risk of many different health problems. It has been found that
people that are overweight are at a greater risk of developing Type 2
Weight Loss FAQ5: Is there a way to decrease the amount of sugar I take
One way to cut the amount of sugar you get is the fairly obvious
way of cutting candy and other sweets out of your diets. You can also
check the labels of what you eat looking for fructose and sucrose that
may be in the products.
Weight Loss FAQ6: Should I weight myself every day?
No, you should only weight yourself weekly. Remember that the scale is
not as important as how your clothing fits. Even if the scale is not
moving, but you are going down in clothing size you are doing something
Weight Loss FAQ7: Is exercise important?
Exercise is very important. While you do not have to exercise to lose
weight, exercise does make it easier to lose weight. There are many
things you can do to burn calories like cleaning your home, walking,
swimming, or even dancing.
Weight Loss FAQ8: What actually is a calorie?
Calories are how energy is measured. The amount of calories in a food is
the amount of energy that food contains for your body to use when you
eat it.
Weight Loss FAQ9: If I don’t change my diet can I still lose weight?
Sometimes you can lose weight without changing your diet by increasing
exercise. If your diet is unhealthy you want to change your diet to
promote long-term weight loss. If you combine a healthy diet with
exercise you will see the best benefits.
Weight Loss FAQ10: Can I eat fish while dieting?
Yes, you can eat fish while dieting. Fish is a great food that is low in
fat and contains a high amount of protein. Eating fish often can be
very healthy for your body.
Common Weight Loss Questions