Over the course of our lives we as humans develop both mental
and physical illnesses that impact us for the short and long-term.
Illnesses such as Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Chronic
Headaches, Weight Loss or Weight Gain and the list goes on to more
serious illnesses such as Cancer plague us and we’re engineered to look
for a “Magic Pill” that can help put us back to normal.
This way of thinking is flawed and upon no results with medication
can lead to more distress, and in turn a worsening in symptoms.
So this begs the question, if it’s not always medication that we
need? What is it? Meditation? Exercise? Relaxation? Positive Thinking?
Visualization? All methods that have been around since the beginning of
time but is of little knowledge to the majority of our population,
especially in western civilization.
Can our mind really help cure our illnesses? The answer is a
resounding “YES!”. Studies are beginning to prove time and again that
proper mental stimulation and preparation can help if not completely
eliminate common physical and mental illnesses, and in some cases,
serious illnesses such as Diabetes, Cancer and other similar illnesses.
But before this can be achieved, we need to help our mind and body by
eliminating day-to-day drugs that we commonly use such as caffeine,
alcohol, tobacco and sugar, all things that starve our body of certain
nutrients and stops our mind and body from releasing feel-good and
healing properties. For example, the consumption of the above 4 drugs
depletes our bodies of magnesium and vitamin B12, two common nutrients
that with deficiencies can cause stress, anxiety, panic attacks,
depression, fatigue, headaches, weight loss, weaker immune system and
the list goes on. Your average person already has a deficiency in
magnesium without taking things that reduce magnesium levels. Not only
that, but by causing these symptoms, this also depletes your magnesium
levels, which is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in our body.
If we aren’t letting our bodies produce and keep nutrients we need, how
can we expect mind stimulation to help us, which is why people are quick
to dismiss it.
Even for those who don’t suffer with anything else but stress, it has
been proven that those who take steps to eliminating stress commonly
live longer with less risk of getting life threatening illnesses, whilst
those who continued to let the stress fuel through their body were more
susceptible to all illnesses and had a lesser life expectancy.
This all works because our mind and body work in complete harmony,
responding to each other’s actions. Have you never wondered why when
watching a scary movie you feel chills, anxiety or terror. Your mind
takes in these disturbing visuals and your body responds to these
feelings physically, by making you feel chills and/or weakness. Or
perhaps when you have to do something like speak in front of a huge
crowd, your mind begins to visualize having to speak in front of a large
number of people and what could go wrong, making the body react by
creating adrenaline which in turns changes many biological functions
such as increased heart rates, sweating and an increase in gas to name a
All these feelings and physical symptoms can be controlled if and
when you decide to take steps towards creating a more positive outlook
on life and situational events, such as Exercising, Meditation, Muscle
Relaxation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Visualization and Heat
Can The Power Of The Mind Heal a Wounded Body?