Thursday, May 12, 2016

Super super names for babies

As every year, the season of superheroes came: theaters around the world will be filled with adrenaline in the coming weeks, thanks to the adventures of Civil War (where Captain America and his team to their will face friends-but-rivals, commanding Iron Man) and the X-Men (mutants for many years and we are thrilled with their adventures on the big screen, this time they appear as young students seeking to defeat an ancient danger). These characters are inspired to make a more heroic life; but some of them have names that could also be inspiration for our children.


He is the hero who represents the United States, starting with their clothing (stars and stripes lined), and followed by his powerful shield, but above all, it is a great human being. Captain America is one of those noble, honorable heroes, great feelings. Although his strength came from a scientific experiment, his character has since he was a scrawny Steve Rogers called soldier in World War II. And while Steve is a name that may not sound so good with Latino surnames (although, of course, anything goes), it is equivalent in Spanish, Stephen, who comes from the Greek "victorious". And if what you want is the honorable name of another superhero, what about the secret identity of Spider Man, Peter? Or better, Peter.


The owner of Stark Industries is recognized not only as a genius, but, as he himself says, as a billionaire, partier, philanthropist ... and also superhero. When he goes inside his omnipotent armor is known as Iron Man and, although it is heroic course, has no sense of honor of Captain America; Maybe that's why they face in the Civil War film. However, this lack compensates with an enormous sense of practicality, an absolute genius and a hidden goodness that is even beyond the nobility. The equivalent in Spanish would be Tony Antonio, which means "brave" (which also sounds great in his female counterpart: Antonia). If you like the idea of naming your child as a superhero genius but you're not the Team Stark, you can use Bruno, who is the Spanish name of the genius scientist Bruce Banner, better known as Hulk (and other fiestero millionaire genius philanthropist: Bruce Wayne, aka Batman).


Superspy stunning intelligence, expert in martial arts, core member of the Avengers, and one of the most important allies of Iron Man in this "civil war", Natasha Romanoff, whom we know better as Black Widow, is one of the characters more Marvel long-lived, and for good reason: it was one of the first female superheroes proved without doubt that she does not need any man. In the film she is Russian descent, and hence "Natasha" meaning in that language, "born at Christmas" is called. Its equivalent in Spanish would be Natalia.


We have seen little in the Marvel superhero movies, but their role is increasingly important. It first appeared with his brother; he had the power to run at the speed of light, and she, well, she has so many powers (manipulate the space-time, paralyzed with supersonic waves, banging energy ...) there is not even an absolute clarity about what really you can do. And that becomes a dramatic character. Moreover, its codename, Scarlet Witch (Scarlet Witch) is the most powerful of the series. His real name is Wanda (she is a fictional Eastern European country called Sokovia), which comes from German and means "that protects it from vandals."

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Super super names for babies
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