A summary of the precautions to take in this important moment of your life
Congratulations! You're pregnant, so you have to take care of a lot in the coming months, especially in the first three.
Congratulations! You're pregnant, so you have to take care of a lot in the coming months, especially in the first three.
- Nutrition: Do not try to lose weight during your pregnancy. What you eat feeds both your baby and you. Eat healthy, well-balanced diet that includes protein, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Talk to your doctor about extra vitamins and minerals. It is very common that you prescribe a multivitamin containing iron and folic acid.
- Watch your weight: You should not gain too much weight in the first quarter, because in the last stage of pregnancy fatten most kilos that will increase during pregnancy. In addition, studies show that it costs less to recover the previous figure pregnancy if slimline much the first 3 months. You're eating for two, not two, which is not the same.
- Rest: Surely you'll feel extremely tired during this period, so try to rest as much as possible. Take naps if possible. Many women feel nauseous during the first quarter. Try to eat small meals throughout the day and crackers when you feel bad.
- Exercise and physical activity: Moderate exercise during pregnancy can make you feel good, and tighten the muscles. Aerobic exercises, such as swimming, biking, walking and low-impact exercise help strengthen your heart. Ask your doctor if you can recommend any exercise that is appropriate for you, and never start a new exercise routine without consulting your doctor because each person is different.
- Health risks: Smoking increases the risk of a baby with low weight and health problems in childhood. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. Underage drinking too much can cause birth defects in the baby, mental retardation and low birth weight. Tell your doctor of all medicines you are taking, since many can affect the embryo.
Good luck and call your doctor if you have any discomfort or concerns.
5 tips for first quarter pregnant