Often it is thought that the snacks between meals, rather than promote, are contrary to a healthy and balanced diet, as they are associated to excessive caloric intake and excessive. However, a suitable snack will help replenish forces, better control appetite at mealtimes and therefore optimize the supply of calories throughout the day.
Whether for work, forgetfulness or laziness, many people do without these intakes. But the contrary is also true, as there are people who, motivated by stress or anxiety, eating anything out of control. We say "yes" to healthy snacks looking for a small space of time to sandwich snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
Speaking in French, the kind of healthy snack will be marked by the energy requirements and preferences, as well as the existence of control objectives weight or gain muscle mass. In general, when it comes to snack, we have to think of an intake should represent 10-15% of total caloric intake of the day. That means that a man with a daily energy requirement of 2200 Kcal, must take a mid-morning snack and 220-330Kcal.
Munchies as
In the case of following a weight control diet, the snack should be less calories, and rich in fiber and water to make it more filling. If, however, the aim is to increase muscle mass and therefore body weight, then you must take the opportunity to choose those options that ensure an adequate supply of carbohydrates and proteins, and why not, of healthier fats considered such as those provided by olive oil and nuts. In any case, we always have to run away from foods high in saturated fats and simple sugars such as pastries, charcuterie fat potatoes or chips or derivatives. Fruits, cereals, dairy, nuts and protein foods (lean meats, egg, tuna, salmon, etc) are the healthiest to combine and take as snacks options.
10 snacks to control body weight (150-200 Kcal)
- Skimmed yogurt + 4/3 + nuts + 1 apple tea or black coffee
- 40 g of whole grain bread (mini sandwich) + 40 g of fresh cheese + orange juice
- Nonfat yogurt + granola bar
- Nonfat yogurt + banana + infusion or black coffee
- 2 whole rusks + 2 slices of ham + 1 apple
- Nonfat yogurt + 35 g of whole grains + 1 kiwi
- 40 g of whole grain bread (mini sandwich) + 2 slices cooked ham / cured + 1 pear
- Glass of skim milk + 20 g of oatmeal (unsweetened)
- 2 rice cakes or corn + 2 slices of deli turkey + 1 small banana
- 1 biscote gelatin + 1 + 1 + quesito low fat infusion or black coffee
10 examples of snacks to increase body weight and muscle mass (300-350 Kcal)
- Sandwich (2 slices of bread) + 2 slices of ham + 40 g fresh cheese + olive oil + 1 + 1 orange kiwi
- 60 g of bread + 1 can tuna + tomato + 1 orange or 2 mandarins (or orange juice)
- Glass of semi-skimmed milk 40g + muesli + 1 apple
- 3 rusks + 3 slices of deli turkey + 20 almonds or hazelnuts
- 2 yogurts + 5 + 1 banana nut
- 60 g of bread grain + 50 g salmon + 1 apple
- Energy + liquid yogurt bar or latte
- Vegetable sandwich (2 slices of bread) + tomato + lettuce + tuna + 1 banana
- 3 rusks + 125 g fresh cheese type burgos lowfat + pear (approx. 125-150 g)
- 60 g of bread + egg (or egg omelette) + olive oil + 1 pear
Munchies "masculine and feminine"