Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Morning after pill side effects emergency contraceptive

Emergency contraception or emergency involves the use of a drug or device to prevent having had a sexual relationship with unprotected penetration, or if the usual contraceptive methods (broken condom, forget failed pregnancy more than one contraceptive) or in cases of rape pill.

The morning after pill

In our country Levonorgestrel is used, known as "morning after pill". Its mechanism of action is inhibition or delay of ovulation, does not prevent implantation, so it is not an abortive substance nor can terminate a pregnancy already established.

Since 2009 it is acquired without a prescription in pharmacies. It can dispense over 16 years. Below 12 years must be tutors. And between 13-15 depends on the criterion of who dispenses. It costs 20 euros, although there are family planning centers where it is provided for free.

The dose is 1500 mcg orally, to be taken in the next 12 hours to risk ratio and before 72 hours have passed, when it ceases to be effective. If vomiting occurs within three hours must be re-take it. Until the next rule is necessary to maintain protection in relationships.

Effects of morning after pill

You may notice the following effects after taking: breast tenderness, abdominal pain, nausea, headache, generally do not last more than 24 hours.

The next rule after taking the morning after pill may be altered, either because forward or delayed. And it can also vary in quantity.

If the delay is more than 10 days is appropriate, contact the gynecologist.

Before prescribing the morning after pill it is important that women be informed clearly the effects that can occur and how they have to take it. It may take more than once in the same cycle, but is not advisable. Once the episode pass is advisable to go to the gynecology clinic to pick a good contraception. And it is that in risky sex is not only important to prevent pregnancy, but must also take into account the possibility of infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

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Morning after pill side effects emergency contraceptive
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1 komentar:

April 17, 2016 at 12:17 PM Delete

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