Saturday, April 2, 2016

Do not start smoking again - 6 Keys to get rid of snuff

Do not start smoking again, free of snuff is one of the most common purpose among people who smoke at this time of year. The good intentions are the order of the day and among them, quitting is of those found in the top ten.

Everyone knows smoking is bad for our health and also have very negative effects on our well-being. If the thing is so clear, why so hard to quit?

Free of snuff and smoking again it is possible

Smoking is an addiction and is also a habit. These are the keys to leave and what is equally important not to fall again.

1. Know the role of snuff in your life

Deepen what role does the snuff in your life is an important first step to prepare to leave.

Knowing what gives you, when you want to smoke, what you strongly associated cigarette ... then help you create your plan to leave the snuff.

2. Clarify what you want to achieve

You are clear that you never want to smoke more, but you know exactly what you want? Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve is essential and helps you focus your energy to strive and work towards what you want.

Create your vision of what your new life without snuff will give strength and momentum to carry it out.

3. Change your focus and your attitude

Most smokers are quitting as a drama, are convinced that it will be a very difficult process and it will happen fatal. It this way does not help you at all. The mind is powerful and our expectations tend to be fulfilled ...

Change your focus and your attitude and get to live it in a more positive and calm manner.

4. Believe in yourself

How Henry Ford said "Whether you think you can or if you think you can not, you're right". If you trying to quit smoking with the conviction that it is impossible you get it, and I tell you that you will not get. As I said, the mind is powerful ...

Believe in yourself, find your strengths and your own resources and convince yourself that yes, you can get it.

5. Créate an action plan

Having a plan of action, step by step and very detailed about how you will live and what will you do during the quitting process is very important. It gives security and strength to carry out without throwing in the towel.

As we said, smoking is a habit and you have closely associated with various events, situations, people in your day. To quit smoking, you have to reinvertarte your routines, change and adapt your day.

6. Improve your eating habits, exercise and rest

Quitting smoking you are taking a very important step towards a healthier life. There is no question of replacing chocolate cigarettes or alcohol ... Take the opportunity to improve your eating habits, exercise and rest. Will help make the process easier, you feel better, manage your anxiety and control your weight. Yes, take it as an opportunity for improvement, not as another source of stress. Your energy should be focused on leaving the snuff.

Do you want more information about these keys to getting rid of snuff? I invite you to download my FREE ebook 6 Key steps to break free of snuff.

I also love to leave me your comments about your challenges if you have not managed to stop smoking or how you did if you managed not to smoke again.

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Do not start smoking again - 6 Keys to get rid of snuff
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