Friday, April 1, 2016

10 reasons to have cold hands and feet and counter-measures

Some of us are extremely sensitive to temperature changes and feel the cold more than others. If every day is a constant battle and you have cold hands and feet as floes, maybe your body temperature is out of control.

The temperature of our body controls a part of our brain called the hypothalamus, which acts as a thermostat.

When you reach a very high temperature, the hypothalamus dilates blood vessels on the surface of the skin to release excess heat. This gives the skin the typical red and sweaty appearance.

When you are cold, the hypothalamus narrows blood vessels to preserve heat, causing both have cold hands and feet. If too much heat is lost, our muscles go into spasm (shiver) to produce heat.

Poor circulation is not usually harmful, especially in women. However, sometimes it may indicate some kind of health problem. If you are constantly cold and the blanket above or normal clothes, here are 10 factors to consider if you're always cold hands and feet.

10 reasons why we always have cold hands and feet

1. Poor circulation

If only the hands and feet you always get cold, then it is probably a problem of poor circulation, which is not usually something to worry about.

But if the cold is restricted to one side of your body, you can suffer a type of heart disease called atherosclerosis. This occurs when the arteries become blocked with fatty substances, which prevents enough blood from reaching certain areas of the body.

Another cause for poor circulation can be Raynaud's Phenomenon. This disease causes the blood vessels in fingers, toes, ears and nose to constrict in cold conditions, later turning whitish and blue.
Measures to be taken
  • Visit your doctor: It is important to see a doctor to determine the cause of your poor circulation; most of the time is not a problem, but diseases such as Raynaud require medical attention and can be treated with medication.
  • Food and herbal supplements: You can also benefit from some foods that help improve circulation, such as garlic and ginger.
  • Garlic is especially recommended for those at risk of cardiovascular disease because it helps prevent the buildup of fatty substances in the blood vessels.
  • Biloba ginkgo supplement can also help dilate blood vessels and increase circulation in the hands and feet.
2. If you are a woman

Yes, it is scientifically proven that women notice the cold more than men. A study by the University of Uta showed that women have a higher body temperature than men, their hands were 2.8 degrees cooler than average.

This is because estrogen is a hormone that regulates blood flow in peripheral vessels and in high doses can cause the vessels to constrict more with minimal feeling cold. As a result, hands and feet get cold more than men. Scientists do not know for sure why this happens.

A variable can be that women are more prepared to maintain blood flow to the organs to cope with pregnancy. This means that women suffer from cold hands and feet to 9 times more than men.

Measures to be taken
  • Essential vitamins: Increasing levels of vitamin B, especially vitamin B6, can help level estrogen throughout the month and help regulate the sensation of cold during the days of the menstrual cycle.
  • Vitamins B foods: Some foods for vitamins B can be lean meats, whole grains and eggs. Add fresh ginger to your recipes can also help improve circulation hands and feet.
  • Regular exercise: Many people stop playing sports the coldest months, but it is important to stay active so that our circulation this also active. So you know, arm yourself with courage, wear hat and gloves and moving.
3. Weights less than what you owe

If your BMI is less than 18.5 you certainly lack of body fat and body fat is what protects us from the cold.

In addition, diet and lower calorie intake also decreases the functioning of the metabolism, which reduces heat production.

People with low body mass index also tends to be low which also influences muscle because muscle is what activates the metabolism that causes generate heat. So the more muscle you have, the more you will generate heat.

Measures to be taken
  • Maintain a healthy weight: If the BMI is low, you should increase the weight gradually by eating healthy foods and rich in protein, along with healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Begin to make weights to build muscle.
  • The low weight can be caused by different reasons, so it is important to consult your doctor causes.
4. Low iron levels

Iron helps red blood cells to carry oxygen to generating heat in every cell of the body. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia; lack of iron causes tremors and impairs thyroid function, which intensifies the feeling of cold.

Women of childbearing age are particularly vulnerable to suffer this type of anemia mainly due to blood loss during menstrual cycles; also you can intensify the sensation of cold.

Other symptoms to look out for are: pale skin, dizziness, extreme fatigue and irregular heartbeat.

Measures to be taken
  • Increase consumption of iron foods: everyone can benefit from iron-rich foods such as lean meat, eggs, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms ask your doctor to do a blood test to check iron levels.
  • You can also easily reverse taking iron supplements with your daily diet.
5. Lack of sleep

Studies show that the body temperature plummets when we do not get enough sleep at night. This is because the lack of sleep affects the nervous system and the brain mechanism that regulates the temperature. The reduced area of ​​the hypothalamus activity has an effect on the metabolism causing it to run slowly.

Many of us affects us sleep deprivation, leaves us feeling tired and not wanting to do any exercise, it is essential to stimulate circulation.

Measures to be taken
  • Exercise: If you spend the day at the computer, there is a need to stimulate circulation. The use of the muscles generates heat, so regular exercise keeps the blood pumping active, making it easy to sleep at night.
  • Natural Remedies: herbal supplements such as valerian or magnesium helps relax the body, as a result help to sleep properly.
6. lazy Thyroid

The hypothalamus is responsible for ordering the thyroid gland raising or lowering the body's metabolism.
Measures to be taken

If you experience other related hypothyroidism and thinning hair, brittle nails, extreme fatigue, irregular periods, weight gain without reason it is important to visit your medical symptoms.

A sluggish thyroid is easily treated with proper medication, but should be treated in time.

7. Dehydration

Your body is composed of more than two-thirds water. Therefore, it is essential to keep hydrated to function properly. Water helps regulate body temperature by trapping heat and releasing it slowly, but the lack of water causes the body more sensitive to extreme temperatures.

As you increase the amount of water we lose, the body compensates by accelerating the heart rate narrowing the vessels to maintain blood pressure and blood organs receive necessary. However, the pressure is reduced causing the skin feeling cold.

Measures to be taken
  • Drinking 2 liters of water a day: the more hydrated you are, the better you control your body temperature. It is important to replace fluids that are lost. Opt for water and try to drink at least 8 glasses a day. But if you exercise you will increase the amount of water to recover the lost fluids.
8. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Those who suffer from vitamin B deficiency are more prone to feeling cold. Vitamin B12 plays a fundamental role in the production of healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. Deficiency of this vitamin is what can cause you to feel cold.

Measures to be taken
  • Foods with Vitamin B12: This vitamin is found in foods such as meat, fish and dairy products. Most people are able to supply the required amount through food, but if you do not eat many of these products is desirable to use a vitamin B12 supplement. Its deficiency can cause malabsorption turn, if changes in diet do not pose any benefit consulting your doctor.
9. Smoking

Every time you smoke, toxins enter the vessel weakening the walls thereof, which causes fat cells adhere to the walls.

10. Diabetes

Diabetes can cause circulation problems, high blood pressure and thyroid problems. All this causes cold hands and feet. Continued exposure of blood glucose can also cause damage to the walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of fat formation. Over time diabetes can cause nerve damage which also causes pain in the hands and feet.

Measures to be taken

In addition to poor circulation, we must pay attention to other symptoms such as increased thirst, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, shortness of breath and sweating in the face, feet or hands.

If you think you have any of these symptoms see your doctor. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, be sure to make an annual check to control the movement of the feet.

Knowing when to visit the doctor

If cold hands and feet have been a problem for a long time, we should not worry too much. Warm up with physical activity, stay hydrated and take supplements to improve circulation such as Ginkgo Biloba.

However, if that feeling has appeared recently, you should make an appointment with your doctor, especially if you feel tingling in the feet and hands, fingers and cold feet or wounds are slow to close and heal.

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10 reasons to have cold hands and feet and counter-measures
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