In this article we review the composition, functions and diseases of the spine, both congenital and degenerative. At the end of it, you will find 11 steps to prevent them.
Composition and functions of the spine
The spine consists of 33 vertebrae that form a strong and flexible trunk bone that runs from the head to the pelvis and surround and protect the spinal cord that is contained in the spinal canal.
- 7 cervical vertebrae.
- 11 to 13 dorsal vertebrae.
- 4 to 6 lumbar vertebrae.
- 3 to 5 coccygeal vertebrae.
Measures 75 cm in length and cervical curvature is convex forward, is concave dorsal and lumbar forward is convex forward.
The backbone serves as a central pillar of the trunk, is a protector of the nervous system, has attachment points for the muscles of the back and ribs and intervertebral discs and facilitates movements like walking, running, jumping and movements of flexion and extension.
The cervical spine, the first vertebra or atlas articulates with the condyles of the occipital bone of the skull and the seventh cervical vertebra articulates with the first dorsal vertebra. Allows flexion of 45º-50º, 45º-60º extension, lateral rotation 45 ° and 80 ° of the neck muscles.
The dorsal column formed by the 12 vertebrae which together form the ribcage with the ribs and sternum. The thoracic spine allows flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion.
The lumbar spine is made up of four to six lumbar vertebrae whose first vertebra articulates with the dorsal 12th and the last lumbar vertebra articulates with the sacrum-coccyx. This last lumbar vertebra out the lumbar nerves to the muscles, ligaments and organs of the inguinal region, lumbar and lower limbs.
Coccyx and sacrum which leave the nerves to the genital area and to control the bladder and bowel.
Diseases of the spine can be congenital or degenerative.
Congenital diseases of the spine
Scoliosis or abnormal curvature of the spine
This case is treated with surgery, whose objective is the fusion of the vertebrae so that the column can not bend and therefore correct the deformity. The surgeon attempts to correct the deformation merging 2 or more vertebrae with metal implants such as screws, rods or wires. During melting grow new bone that allow spinal regeneration.
Absence of vertebrae
Some babies are born without a vertebra or two. They are normally absent or coccyx lumbar vertebrae, although it may also be the complete absence of the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae.
Spina bifida
It is the absence of full closure of the embryonic neural tube. The less common cause of spina bifida is a posterior meningocele in which the vertebrae develop normally. However, meninges, or membranes surrounding the vertebrae are forced or planned within the cavities between the vertebrae.
Degenerative diseases of the spine
Degenerative diseases of the spine become more common as a person ages. Including osteoporosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, vertebral stenosis, pinched nerve and herniated discs they are cited.
It is the most common disease of the spine and affects women more often than men, causes thinning of the bones of the spine and its subsequent rupture. When the fracture occurs, the disease is advanced and the damage is severe.
It is caused by chronic wear of the cervical spine including disks or cushions between the neck vertebrae and the joints of the bones of the cervical spine. There may be an abnormal or bone spurs growth of the vertebrae.
This is inflammation of one or more joints. Arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage that protects the joints and allows them to move smoothly. Without the usual amount of cartilage, the bones rub against each other causing pain, swelling and stiffness.
This is a narrowing of the canal of the spine that can occur in any area. Its symptoms are pain, loss of sensation and motility of the affected area.
Disc herniations
It is an intervertebral disc space between the vertebrae to which absorbs and holds them in place. A herniated disc is a disc that moves out of place or broken and that if puts pressure on a nerve, can cause back pain or sciatica.
Measures to combat diseases of the spine
1. A proper postural hygiene when you get up, sit in front of a computer or watch TV, catch weight of soil and transporting and placing objects on shelves. See the following article which explains in more detail.
2. No lifts or take overweights to make the purchase or catch a person.
3. Avoid overweight causes muscles and back bones originate from tightening and backaches.
4. Avoid wearing tight clothes and high heels.
5. Physical exercise. Practiced moderately, with 10 minutes a day prevents back pain and strengthen muscles. It is advisable to do stretching exercises every hour of exercise.
6. Adequate food
Consumption of fruits and vegetables antioxidants that prevent degenerative processes of the spine
Consumption of fruits and vegetables antioxidants that prevent degenerative processes of the spine
large intake of omega-3 fatty acids present in oily fish or nuts to avoid inflammation.
Calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, nuts, garlic, onions, cabbage, chestnuts, coconuts, figs and pears rich in calcium.
heavy consumption of vegetable proteins like soy and vitamin D-rich foods such as dairy products and fatty fish to prevent osteoporosis.
7. sleep on a hard bed, placing a wooden board between an average mattress and a box spring. The position of the subject is lying on your back or side and never face down.
8. Sunbathing about 15 minutes a day as it is a good source of Vitamin D3, much needed for bones.
9. Safety measures to prevent slips and falls at home and at work and to avoid domestic, workplace and traffic accidents. Trauma of the spine can cause paraplegia and incapacitate the person for the normal performance of their daily lives.
10. Physical Therapy through massage therapy to combat muscle tension and stiffness of the muscles near the vertebrae. If herniated disc and spinal deformities can be effective chiropractic treatments.
11. Going to the doctor's doctor and the orthopedic surgeon for a study, medical treatment and supervision of the problem. should not self-medicate you never.
Diseases of the spine and preventive measures