Sometimes your child may not be prepared for the arrival of a new sibling because they do not have enough intellectual maturity to understand this new event in your life. Why your child may feel jealous to see that their parents are paying any attention to another baby.
After your new baby is born, your other child can miss you to you and your dad and feel that all the attention is focused on his new brother. That is why your older child can develop some unusual behaviors in order to get your attention and your father. Do not be surprised if you find unusual behavior in your child, such as: misbehave, forget to tell you that needed the toilet or have a fit of rebellion, among others, in order to attract attention.
To avoid these behaviors, Liliana De la Torre psychologist recommended that during pregnancy you talk to your child about his new baby brother. According to psychologist de la Torre, who is now a psychologist at a school in southern Florida, USA, for an older child the arrival of a new baby is a very complex fact, and notes that "if you talk to your child more about her new brother and his arrival, you will help the child is accepting the idea of sharing their parents with someone else and when the new baby is born, it is likely that the older brother comes to feel proud of his new baby brother. "
The arrival of a new sibling for your child can be very positive. In the case of Mary C. Oliveros, the advice given by the psychologist Torre worked. Mary is the mother of two children, he began talking to his son Camilo about her pregnancy and to explain that after some time there would be someone else in the family. At first he did not understand much, but when her father spoke to the womb of his mother and told her there was his new baby brother, Camilo also started to do the same and when he did name the new baby by name, Sofia . "I still did not know that the baby would be a girl but indeed it was," Mary said. Here are some suggestions that Liliana de la Torre psychologist gave us, so you can help your child to assimilate the arrival of a new sibling:
Tips to help a child adjust to the arrival of a sibling
- Talk about the new baby during pregnancy.
- Let your child talk with the new baby in your womb.
- Let your child will visit the clinic after birth.
- When you make a gift to your eldest son, do not tell him that the gift did the newborn because it can backfire if the child is old enough to understand that the little baby could not actually brought haberselo. When the older brother is a big boy, you had better know that the gift they give parents, as this reaffirms that it is very important for mom and dad.
- Spend some time just for each of your children (minimum of 15 minutes) in which is included a little physical contact such as hugging, games, etc.
- Asks the grandparents of your older child or someone else with the child to the zoo, movies, eating ice cream, or to do some kind of activity.
- Tell a story to your older child while you give breast feeding your newborn baby.
- Let your older child to participate in discussions concerning the issue of new baby brother.
- Develops activities that involve your older child with the new baby, where your older child has more contact with his new baby brother.
- Lend more attention than usual to your older child to not feel moved.
When a new baby arrives