It is very likely that your children will have noticed how hard you try to try new foods to eat more healthfully. Forget vegetables hide under your favorite dish or make noises of aircraft to eat, better try these tips that Health Wellness Center have for you.
In the soup
The soup is a smart way to add vegetables to a healthy and delicious food. Onion, celery, carrots, peas, squash and others are the basis for most soups. Try adding your kids menu soup always more vegetables.
Rich and healthy snacks
Not only should prefer traditional snacks, what snacks are healthy Czech and eliminates bad food habits.
It serves small portions
Not wanting your kids to eat well have to serve a lot of food, measure portions and remember they are children, eat in smaller quantities than adults.
Be creative in food
Children are very visual, by presenting a simple dish surely would not want to eat, try to make figures and saucer, adding more color with a greater variety of vegetables, we assure you that this will encourage your children to eat.
Eat (and enjoy) new food before them
It must teach by example. If you're not a big fan of broccoli, try to eat more often. You will be teaching a good habit to your children and also feeding you'll be better.
Drinking more water
Children have a faster metabolism and your activity level is generally more intense, making you need water. You've heard that you are 8 glasses, but as for the children, there is not as accurate. It depends on your weight, height and activity, but your children, they should at least be taking 4 glasses of water daily.
Healthy Tip: small children can not ask water until very thirsty, which means your body may already be dehydrated. Be sure to offer water throughout the day and leave water at your fingertips. You can add slices of lemon, orange or fruit to have taste, but leaves sugar, soft drinks and juices VERY occasionally. Leave the Pedialyte and electrolyte drinks only for when the doctor tells you. Children need water, nothing else.
Need more fat and calcium
Both children and adults need lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein. But all young children need a little more fat than adults for healthy development. According to the Academy of Sciences of the United States, fats in children 1 to 3 years, should be between 30 and 40 percent of your daily calories. For children 4 to 15 should be between 25 and 35 percent, while for adults is between 20 and 30 percent. Fats are essential for brain development and nervous system, it is the main component of cell membranes and nerve cells. Children also need more calcium because childhood is when bones grow.
Be patient
It is proven that a child should try a new food between 7 and 15 times before they develop a taste. Try adding a new ingredient (spinach for example) gradually food every day.
No premies with sweets
They do not have to see the sweet as a reward when they do something good. If you use this prize, they will grow with the idea sweets associating with emotional reward.
9 Ways to instill healthy habits in your children
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