Monday, April 4, 2016

High protein low carb diet

You are looking for a diet that works? If you read the information that abounds on the net about the different types of diets to lose weight, you've found the famous "protein diet" or any of its variations.

Really protein diet work? Will They will provide all the nutrients you need my body? Is there called "rebound effect"? Will I put my life at risk? They are some of the many questions that arise with the remedies that are in fashion and we want to implement to lose weight fast.

Diet Basics protein

First, we say that these protein diets were created on the concept that carbohydrates cause changes in our sugar levels, which stimulate somehow fat stores of the body. For this reason these diets propose progressive increase consumption of protein and make the person who consumes decrease or even eliminate the intake of carbohydrates.

Of course the body has a change and weight lose but that is because he is subtracting a fundamental part of their nutrients. Carbohydrates help our body has energy, to deprive him of it inside our body begins to undergo some metabolic changes that make us lose weight and even reduce the desire to eat.

Carry out this type of diet carries the danger of unbalancing our metabolism, nutritional status and the possibility of damaging key organs like the kidneys so that, if done, must be under strict professional supervision.

For example, if people who do this diet are eating snacks careful not approved by the regime between meals or keep at bay the average exercise (no exaggeration) may appear malnutrition and directly affect our health form.

In short, always with a strict and limited form in time control protein diet could be your solution, but always with great caution, because of the mentioned risks.

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High protein low carb diet
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